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Things to keep in mind when promoting affiliate products

What to keep in mind when promoting affiliate products? Let’s find out together in this dedicated article

Once you have identified the product you wish to promote there is still some work to do, here are some things to keep in mind for a successful future in this new career.


This is obviously the first thing to look for in any product you want to promote. Affiliate marketing is a business, and just like any other type of business, it’s all about profits. Therefore, all decisions must be based on this fundamental aspect, and if, after all the research in the world, you find that the product is not profitable, there is no point in continuing. This is why many people start with affiliate marketing, but then find themselves forced to quit midway because they can’t make any money. This is also the main reason beginners are advised to opt for products that are already selling well. This way you won’t have to worry about choosing the product to promote.

You will therefore have to focus only on the improve your ranking on Google and, even if the competition is fiercer, you’ll at least know that if you can’t sell, it’s not because of the product. It is important to make a distinction between profit and profitability. Many people choose products with high profitability, i.e. products that offer high margins on sales.

While it can be a good source of income, it might be a good idea to consider low-margin but high-volume products. Many times, the amount of sales will be such that total profits will be greater with low-margin products than with high-margin ones. For example, trying to sell a eBook a €60 could earn you a commission of €5 per sale, but if you only sell 20 copies a month, you only make money €100. Instead, if you opt for products that you sell at €10your commission may be as low as €1but if you can sell 200 copies, you make money €200. This is just one example, but it serves to illustrate the point.

Distinction between profit and profitability

Profit and profitability are two distinct financial concepts that represent different measures of business success and performance. Profit refers to the amount of money that is left over after subtracting all costs, expenses, and taxes from total income. In other words, profit is the difference between a firm’s total revenue and the costs incurred to produce goods or services, including taxes. Profit is an absolute measure of how much revenue a company makes over a specific period of time, such as a month, quarter, or year.

Profitability, on the other hand, is a relative measure that indicates how efficiently a company generates profit relative to its investments or resources employed. Profitability is usually expressed as a percentage and is calculated by dividing net profit by a certain financial measure, such as capital employed or turnover. This calculation provides an indication of the company’s ability to generate earnings in relation to the resources employed.


This point connects to the previous one. You need to find products that are marketable. If there are no people willing to buy what you have to offer, there’s no point in trying to sell it. You need to make sure there is a market for your product before trying to sell it. There may be geniuses who have managed to create a market, but this rarely happens. For most of us, selling products that are already on the market is the only way forward.

Focus on consumable products

This is good advice because only consumable products can guarantee you repeat sales. For example, dog food may not sound appealing, but more than 1,500,000 people they look for it every month and will have to buy dog ​​food the next month and the month after that. This way, even if the market size is small, you will have recurring sales because as long as you offer a good offer, customers will come back to you.

Of course, there is always the fear that repeat customers will go straight to the main site, but the advantage you have as an affiliate is that you are not limited to just one product. You can have as many brands as you like, and as long as you make sure your site offers something different, like a new brand you think is better, or whatever, people might try different products than you. It’s easier to just remember one site and bookmark it than 10 different sites for 10 different products, so you make sure customers keep coming back to you before they look elsewhere. As long as they do, the sale will be to your advantage.


This is important because even though the Internet offers a lot of anonymity, buying is still governed by old-fashioned values, such as product quality. You put your reputation on the line by claiming a product is good quality, so make sure the product really is as good as it is described, or offer an honest review. Either way, you will need to try the product to instill consumer trust on your site. You don’t have to sell only high quality products. High quality usually comes with a high price, but many people are satisfied with fairly high quality products at lower prices.

But don’t say something is really good when it’s not. For example, if you’re selling cameras, there are several low-cost cameras that are quite good and will likely make up the majority of your sales. You can’t afford not to sell them, as high-priced ones sell less often. However, you need to make sure the buyer is getting good value, so avoid inflating the specs and giving opinions like “that’s pretty awesome” when it’s not. Honestly saying that something is only suitable for a certain use and that if you want more functionality you should go for another model is appreciated more than stating that it is the best product money can buy.

Many sites offer customer reviews as a marketing strategy, thinking that a customer who finds another customer’s review will be more inclined to believe it. Unfortunately, not all customers leave a review, which means many of these sites resort to having reviews posted under different names just to improve their site’s image. This also means that there will be reviews that are not entirely accurate, which means that you yourself are lowering the value of your site. A much simpler and more effective way is to simply provide an honest review, and as long as you’ve taken the time to review the product properly, you’ll find that people will respect your opinions. This may take longer, but it’s easier in the long run.


First of all, check the popularity of the product. Affiliate marketing is not just about setting up a site and becoming an affiliate. A lot of research needs to be done, and just because a product is highly sought after doesn’t mean it’s a good niche to fit into. For example, there are many people who are looking for anything related to “Labradors”. However, this will not help you because most of these people are looking for information. Few people buy puppies online, and while you have the option to market various dog products, it’s not a very lucrative niche.. Even people who are very fond of their dogs usually buy what they need at the supermarket and unless you can offer a really good deal, they won’t buy from you.

This is just one example of something that is very popular, but doesn’t make you any money. Of course, if this is a niche you really want to be in, you could do some more analysis into why people aren’t buying and then build a site that takes all of these issues into account. This takes time and money, as well as not guaranteeing success.

A curious detail that could help you grow

Did you know that, in the context of affiliate marketing, the concept of link building service can be compared to a fundamental building tool. Similar to building a solid structure for a house, link building service acts as a solid foundation on which to build your marketing strategy.

Just as bricks and mortar provide stability and solidity to a structure, link building services work to create trustworthy connections between your website and other relevant online resources. In doing so, it helps to strengthen the visibility of your brand and increase the traffic to your site, creating a solid foundation for your affiliate marketing success.

Bonus in conclusion: our list of the top 5 tips for your success

Below we list 5 things to keep in mind when involved in promoting affiliate products.

  • Product Selection: Choose affiliate products that are high-quality and relevant to your target audience. Make sure they are products that you know well and are consistent with the values ​​and interest of your audience. Promoting products that you believe are valid and that can actually bring value to the public increases the chances of success of your promotions.
  • Know your audience: Understanding your target audience is key. Conduct in-depth research on your audience’s preferences, needs and behaviors. This will help you create targeted content and promotions that resonate with your audience, thus increasing the chances of conversion.
  • Create quality content: Provide value through your content. Create honest reviews, tutorials, guides or informative articles that address the needs and issues of your audience. Showcase the benefits and uses of affiliate products in an authentic and compelling way. Focus on the quality of your content to build trust and credibility with your audience.
  • Transparency and Honesty: Be transparent about your role as an affiliate. Openly disclosing that you are promoting affiliate products and may receive a commission from sales is essential to maintaining the trust of your audience. Honesty in your promotion builds trust with your audience and helps you establish an authentic reputation.
  • Performance Monitoring: Closely monitor the performance of your promotions. Monitor key metrics such as conversion rate, sales generated, website traffic and social media interaction. This will provide you with valuable data to evaluate the effectiveness of your promotion strategies and make any necessary improvements or adjustments.
  • Keeping these five considerations in mind will help you maximize your success in promoting affiliate products and build a valuable relationship with your audience. For further updates and news continue…