Incendi boschivi, come monitorare la situazione con Google Maps thumbnail

Google Maps, with “Forest fires” monitor the situation

Forest fires, how to monitor the situation with Google Maps thumbnail

Google introduced a new feature called “Forest fires” are Google Maps, which gives users an instant way to track emergency situations. Just enable the function in the levels section to understand which areas are at risk.

Google Maps, with “Forest fires” monitor the situation

Forest Fires is one of the features of what Google calls “Levels“, a sort of overlay on Google Maps maps that can be activated to display various information. Like mountain relief, traffic conditions, satellite view. And recently, as Emanuele Capone reports in Repubblica, the presence of zones affected by fire and smoke.

Activating Levels is simple and varies by platform. On the smartphone app, Levels are im immediately active and can be selected from the top right of the screen. On the desktop app, however, Levels can be turned on or off via a selector placed in the lower part in the center of the map. Below you can see a screenshot of our PC highlighting a forest fire.

forest fires google maps min

Among the latest additions to Maps Levels are “Forest Fires” and “Air Quality“, two extremely useful options for reporting on the same emergency situation. Once the “Forest Fires” option is activated, users can easily see if there are fires and flames in their vicinity. And stay safe.

This solution allows you to access theimportant information from an app that almost everyone has on their smartphone. And that you can also easily consult from the browser.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.