Una sonda della NASA ha "toccato" il Sole per la prima volta thumbnail

A NASA probe has “touched” the sun for the first time

A NASA probe has "touched" the sun for the first time thumbnail

An image of a cool sun in space

Lto NASA’s Parker Solar Probe he achieved a surprising goal by succeeding in “Touch” the Sun for the first time. As announced in these hours, the probe was able to enter the upper part of the solar atmosphere, known as the corona, without suffering damage and being able to carry out some detections on the particles present in the atmosphere and on the magnetic fields generated.

Great success for NASA’s Parker Solar Probe: it entered the Sun’s atmosphere

The result obtained by the Parker Solar Probe is truly historic. The probe departed from the Earth in 2018 and has already made several flights to approach the Sun. In recent months, the probe has gradually managed to get closer to the Sun by entering the corona and managing to make some measurements without any damage. The data collected by the spacecraft was then sent to Earth and processed by the American team.

In the future, as early as next January, the spacecraft is planning further approaches to the Sun. The goal is to get to 6.16 million kilometers from the surface of the Star in order to carry out further surveys and collect unpublished data. More details on the companies of this probe should, therefore, arrive shortly.

The official video released by NASA

The story of the Parker Solar Probe, which first touched the Sun, is summarized in the official video below.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.