In arrivo una nuova collaborazione tra Red Bull e RoundTwo su Twitch thumbnail

A new collaboration between Red Bull and RoundTwo is coming to Twitch

Red Bull announced that it has recently kicked off a new project which will enrich its business on Twitchin collaboration with RoundTwo. The boys will meet at the Red Bull Gaming ZoneRed Bull’s Twitch studio, to record the live premiere of a series of episodes of the famous RoundTwo Q&A moment made in partnership con Red Bull. This confirms once again his goal of becoming a point of reference on Twitch.

New collaboration between Red Bull and RoundTwo on Twitch. Here are the details

The two protagonists of RoundTwo, Francesco Fossetti and Marco Motturameet at the Red Bull Gaming Zone, Red Bull’s Twitch studio. Here they will record live the first of a series of episodes of the famous RoundTwo Q&A moment made in partnership with Red Bull.

It will be a collaboration of one episode per month, for a total of 10 live streams through the end of the year. A veritable series of special Q&A episodes, in line with the morning “Just Chatting” that the two journalists and creators bring to their channel every day. This time, however, also accompanied by editorial content from Red Bull.


The partnership fits perfectly into Red Bull’s editorial projects. The goal is to become a point of reference on Twitch for the entire gaming world. Between Red Bull OPformat already started Tuesday 7 February which tests the most well-known streamers with impossible challenges, Red Bull Indie Forgewho interviews development studios looking for the next indie game that will deserve the win and the new partnership also with the podcast Joypadthe 2023 season of Red Bull on Twitch is ready to keep all fans glued to the screen.

In addition to being live on Twitch, episodes in collaboration with RoundTwo will also be uploaded to the show’s podcasting platforms Gong! and reported on the RoundTwo YouTube channel.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.