ABI, l'Associazione Bancaria Italiana sotto attacco hacker thumbnail

ABI, the Italian Banking Association under hacker attack

The Italian Banking Association (ABI) would have suffered a hacker attack, implemented via ransomware. The hackers reportedly published the sensitive data of the association’s employees. It seems that the hacker group is behind the attack Vice Society.

Hacker attack on ABI, the Italian Banking Association

According to what was reported in these hours, the ransomware attack would have involved some sensitive data of the members of the association. We are also talking about personal documents such as cidentity art e le employee health cards. But also information on credit cards, medical certificates, business numbers.

In a note released by the company, it appears that the attack took place on April 18, hitting the association’s servers. But he wasn’t going to be the first. Already since February the hackers would have started to hit the ABI and on 7 April the official website was inaccessible for several hours.

Italy ransomware to the world

The note issued by the ABI states that: “The Italian Banking Association informs that, since February, it has been the recipient of cyber attacks. The complaints were presented to the Postal Police and the Authorities
competent. The Association has already activated all actions for its own protection and that of personnel data and all measures have been taken to further secure the infrastructures and data. “

The association therefore says of non avis received ransom offers, unlike what has been seen in other ransomware attacks. But many security experts in recent months have pointed out that several hacker groups have started using ransomware even just to steal data to be sold on the dark web, leaving the data of the affected company blocked.

The note from the ABI has just arrived and it seems that at the moment there is no further information to share. We will keep you posted.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.