Adriano conquista l’Innovation Award Honoree in attesa del debutto al CES 2022 thumbnail

Adriano wins the Innovation Award pending his debut at CES 2022

Adriano wins the Innovation Award Honoree pending his debut at CES 2022 thumbnail

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The Italian innovative SME, Domethics, is preparing to participate in the CES 2022 scheduled for early January presenting Adriano. It is a new IoT capable device transform smartphone, tablet or Smart TV into an economic gateway able to manage all smart home devices thanks to a dedicated app. Adriano was awarded by the organizers of the CES, with the scope Innovation Award Honoree 2022 for the Smart Home category.

The new Adriano smart home device makes its debut at CES 2022

Scheduled from 5th to 8th January 2022, the CES in Las Vegas will also see Domethics among the protagonists. The Italian SME will show the potential of the new IoT device, Adriano, destined to become one of the most interested solutions in the category Smart Home al CES 2022. This device allows you to transform smartphones, tablets and other devices into solutions to manage all smart devices at home. Furthermore, when used in combination with smart thermostats, smart thermo valves, light bulbs and electrical sockets, Adirano will be able to optimize consumption, guaranteeing a reduction in waste and savings for users.

The comment from Domethics

Samuele Rocca, Mirko Bretto and Maurizio Ferrero, founders of Domethics, declare: “The device is designed for multiple technological needs that are now part of our life, simplifying its use. This is why we decided to call him Adriano: in honor of Adriano Olivetti who taught us how technological innovation must be within everyone’s reach and for the resolution of everyday actions. And we are proud that the organizers of the most important global event dedicated to consumer technology have awarded it with the Innovation Award 2022 ”.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.