AIxWomen: intelligenza artificiale, donne e inclusione, il talk per il rinnovamento tech thumbnail

AIxWomen: artificial intelligence, women and inclusion, the talk for tech renewal

AIxWOMEN: Artificial Intelligence, Women and Inclusion is the talk hosted by the “Guido Castelnuovo” Department of Mathematics of the La Sapienza University of Rome, it aims to be an unprecedented opportunity in Italy, where international opinion leaders will come together for the first time around a table to identify and share concrete solutions and close the gender gap, also through the powerful tool of AI.

AIxWomen: artificial intelligence, women and inclusion. Who took part

Welcomed by Antonella PolimeniRector of the La Sapienza University of Rome, authoritative representatives of different realities related to Artificial Intelligence, including international organizations such as UNESCO e W20 – women’s representation group of G20 – have created an important new working group united by common objectives: identify the lines of development and regulation of Artificial Intelligence (as indicated by the AI ​​ACT of the European Parliament and the Women4EthicalAI project of UNESCO) and provide new keys to understanding the most recent developments, together with opportunities and risks, not only for women.

The Women 4.0 Association And at the center of this event, it is the promoter and creator, together with the “Guido Castelnuovo” Department of Mathematics, not only host but also fundamental strategic support.

AIxWomen: artificial intelligence, women and inclusion. The Center of Competence ARTES 4.0

Co-organizer of the event il Center of Competence ARTES 4.0who presented the project on the occasion ARTES4Womendedicated to launching a wide-ranging program for strengthening the presence of women, both in terms of quantity and quality, and to involve and make protagonists, thanks to its aggregative strength of Italian companies and academies highly specialized in high technology, women in digital transformation.

The objective is to impact the presence of women with a series of activities, based on developing and monitoring the potential, presence, role and skills of women in the centers of competence and their networks and providing data and recommendations at a national level.

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The first episode of a female journey

Il The first edition of the AIXWomen training project will be held on 21 October, which will allow 100 women to receive specific training on AI, led by teachers from the Women 4.0 Faculty. The first episode of a “feminine” path designed to create new professional opportunities and thus avoid a new “technological gender apartheid”, caused by the exclusion and limited visibility of women.

The topics discussed

Among the main topics covered are Machine learning, the frontiers of digital healthcare, Robotics integrated with AI, gender bias as well as Natural Language Processing and Conversational & Generative AI, both technologies intended to enhance the ability of machines to understand , interpret and generate human language effectively.

The Italian W20 Delegation

The training of women is therefore central, as he reiterated Elvira Marasco, co-founder of the Italian W20 Delegationcommitted to making gender equality a priority in international policies: “Artificial intelligence can become a formidable tool for fueling and reinforcing stereotypes and prejudices: it is up to us women to make sure this doesn’t happen.”

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.