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Alan Wake 2: Remedy excited about creative freedom with Epic Games

Remedy’s enthusiasm after Alan Wake 2: “Epic Games let us create the game we wanted”, declares a beaming Thomas Puha

For what is an ever-growing list of phenomenal games released in 2023, with two heroes in red and blue making waves the week before, Alan Wake 2 marked the return to the scene by Remedy Entertainment and the survival horror title earned the publisher Epic Games warm praise from the development team. In the tweet we report verbatim below, Remedy’s communications director Thomas Puha shared a message about the partner’s role in the title’s production, characterizing the company as “nothing but supportive,” allowing the developers the freedom to bring his original vision to life. We leave you with the post in question.

He said: Remedy tesse le lodi di Epic Games through Alan Wake 2

“They let us create the game we wanted. Nothing but support from them,” he wrote Puha. “The Epic production team ROCKED Alan Wake 2. They really care. I have never read so much positive feedback, with the producers playing our game over and over again.” The game managed to win the sympathies of critics, with an almost unanimous plebiscite. The most frequent definitions describe the game as “a fantastic horror title with an excellent atmosphere and an incredibly interesting story. As useless as its jumpscares are, the other aspects of the game are as good as they come to their job of making your skin crawl.” The game is available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S e PCwith expansions on the way.

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Stefania Romagnoli is a dedicated writer who delves into the world of video game news. With a profound passion for gaming, Stefania keeps readers informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends within the gaming industry.