Alexa legge le frasi dei Baci Perugina in occasione di San Valentino thumbnail

Alexa reads the sentences of Baci Perugina for Valentine’s Day

Per Saint Valentine there’s something new: Amazon’s voice assistant, Alexawill discard i Perugina chocolate kisses and will be able to read the typical phrases found within. It will suffice to say “Alexa, unwrap a Kiss!”.

Alexa reads words of love on Valentine’s Day

Upon request “Alexa, unwrap a Kiss!”, technology opens the door to love. In addition, it supports all those who want to be inspired by the quotes that made the history of Perugina chocolate kisses. Valentine’s Day is upon us. In fact, between gifts and celebrations, there is something that tradition cannot miss: i Chocolates not dedications that are good for the heart.

This is how, for example, that “I love you not only for who you are, but for who I am when I’m with you” by the English poet Elizabeth B. Browning will be read by Alexa. The voice assistant will symbolically discard the Baci Perugina which contain the messages of love.

And “You have a place in my heart that no one else could have” (Francis Scott Fitzgerald) a “We were together, I forgot everything else” (Walt Whitman). These are just some of the many phrases that Alexa will read, starting today and until February 19th.

Saying “Alexa, unwrap a Kiss!”, Amazon’s voice assistant will remind us of the most beautiful quotes. There tit will transport like this in a world of romantic inspirations and share with loved ones. Or simply making us interact in an unexpected way and surprising us with a different “good morning”.

Perugina chocolate kisses, for a hundred years the spokesperson for emotions, she is at Alexa’s side in the most romantic time of the yearproving to be constantly to move with the times and ambassador of an intergenerational and intercultural message of love.

Alexa Kisses Perugina

Alexa, what is it

Alexa is Amazon’s voice assistant installed inside the speakers Amazon Echo. They are compatible speakers from other brands and available as an application for smartphones and tablets. Amazon’s virtual assistant, officially arrived in Italy in October 2018.

It allows you to do many thingsfrom shopping to playing music, controlling compatible smart devices, setting a timer, reminders, creating shopping lists and so much more.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.