Buy with Prime di Amazon arriva in tutti gli USA il 31 gennaio thumbnail

Amazon’s Buy with Prime arrives nationwide on January 31st

Last April 2022 Amazon had cast the option Buy with Primewhich allowed US Prime customers to take advantage of conveniences such as fast and free delivery as well off Il 31 January 2023, the company extends the possibility to companies to take advantage of this feature even without an invitation, throughout the United States.

Amazon’s Buy with Prime extended to everyone in the United States

The Buy with Prime feature also extends Amazon Prime services to other affiliated e-commerce sites. This means you can expect fast, free delivery, made simple. All that we appreciate about Amazon’s service, too on ecommerce business owners.

This is an advantage for digital merchants because it allows you to bring your most loyal customers from Amazon to your site. In this way they can create a direct relationship, for example by sending emails with the latest offers. And Amazon has found with an internal survey that the conversion (the number of users who buy after seeing the site) increases by +25% for those who join this initiative.

amazon inspire

Amazon explains that this is an average, like company Trophy Skins have also reached 30% morewith others like Hydralyte which came up to 14% higher. Both of these companies were part of the first invitational tests of this service. But starting January 31, all merchants who meet the requirements in the US will be able to join.

A novelty that Amazon introduces for Buy with Prime is the ability to display reviews on your e-commerce site. This should allow you to increase customer confidence during the purchase phase.

Furthermore, from January 10, the Buy with Prime app becomes available to all those who have created their own site e-commerce con BigCommerce, without the need for any programming knowledge.

At the moment, we don’t know if this feature can come to this side of the Atlantic as well. But in the meantime, you can learn more about this feature on the Buy with Prime website.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.