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Apple Car: the car from Steve Jobs’ well-known company could arrive in 2028

Apple has never lost the ball on the creation of a car to be identified as the “Apple Car” which could arrive no earlier than 2028

The project Apple Car Titan is now expected for 2028delayed compared to the original schedule of 2026 due to unexpected challenges. Initially conceived as a luxury vehicle, with a high price, long autonomy and level 3 or 4 autonomous driving without a steering wheel, the Apple Car has undergone significant reconfigurations in its objectives.

Information from internal sources indicates that the new version of the car, postponed by two years compared to the initial plan, will present a small battery and a guidance system limited to Level 2+, translating into a more accessible price. The project Titankept secret for almost a decade, has gone through several management phases with numerous leadership changes, but Tim Cook and investors now insist on precise deadlines.

Apple Car: the car from Steve Jobs' well-known company could arrive in 2028

Apple Car: what will it be like?

Despite the consolidated presence of Apple in consumer electronics with successful products such as iPhone, Mac and wearable devices, entering the automotive sector has presented challenges and raised questions about the viability of the business. In parallel, other protagonists such as Huawei in the telecommunications sector e Nio as a car manufacturer, they have already presented their products intended to compete in the car-phone ecosystem.

While Huawei debuted his car, Nio launched the Nio-Phone, highlighting an increasingly marked convergence between the automotive and telecommunications sectors. This intertwining could outline a future in which the connection between vehicles and mobile devices becomes increasingly integrated, promoting an advanced driving and connectivity experience. The careful attention of Apple technological progress continues to suggest that, even with the challenges encountered, the Apple Car Titan can still emerge as an innovative player in the automotive landscape.

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