Apple Pay sospeso in Russia: una class action punta ad ottenere un risarcimento per gli utenti thumbnail

Apple Pay suspended in Russia: Russian users will ask for compensation

Apple Pay suspended in Russia: a class action aims to obtain compensation for thumbnail users

A law firm, Chernyshov, Lukoyanov and Partnershe started a class action against Apple for the suspension of the Apple Pay payment service in Russia. The Cupertino company, following the sanctions against Russia following the invasion of Ukraine, has suspended the payment service. Now, the Russian law firm will try to get compensation for all private users from the service. Let’s see what are the reasons behind this new legal action.

Apple faces class action in Russia over Apple Pay suspension

The law firm that is promoting the class action considers the closure of the service as unjustified and aims to obtain compensation for “intentional moral damages “. According to the promoters of the class action, Apple will have to provide some form of compensation to users affected by the choice to stop the operation of Apple Pay. For the law firm, the rights of Russian consumers were violated by Apple’s “unilateral decision”.

A direct consequence of the sanctions

The choice to stop Apple’s service must be considered as one direct consequence of the sanctions against Russia. As a result, the class action against Apple in Russia is unlikely to be successful (for Russian users). Further updates on the matter should arrive in the coming weeks. In the future, moreover, other similar class actions could also be launched with the aim of hitting other Western companies that have stopped their activities in Russia.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.