Apple pronta a lanciare un nuovo HomePod thumbnail

Apple ready to launch a new HomePod

Apple ready to launch a new HomePod thumbnail

Mark Gurman returns to release some interesting advances on Apple. In the latest Power On newsletter the expert announced that the company is ready to release a new one HomePod, in addition to two other smart home devices that could arrive on the market between the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024. According to Gurman, in fact, Apple has “at least four new smart home devices in its labs, but not all of them will see the light. of the day”. For the moment, in fact, the high-end HomePod seems to be the only valid one for distribution.

HomePod: Apple ready to release a new device on the market

According to reports from Mark Gurman, Apple’s new HomePod – known by the code name B620 – would have the same chip S8 of the future Apple Watch Series 8. And it may be closer, “in size and audio performance,” to the original HomePod rather than its mini version. But it is not the only novelty that the Cupertino company is working on. Apparently, in fact, there would also be a HomePod mini updatedto which a Bluetooth 5.2 support. To these products, according to Gurman, two others would then be added:

  • a kitchen device that combines an iPad and a speaker
  • a living room device that combines Apple TV, camera and HomePod

One of the two, it seems, could be launched by Apple at the end of 2023 o early 2024. In any case, regardless of the launch date, it is clear that these smart home devices will be competing with the Amazon Echo and Amazon Show. Beyond this, it would also be Apple’s strategy to be able to provide users with a series of smart home options that so far do not seem to have been too successful compared to competitors. But before we see if the company will really succeed we should wait a bit. At least a year.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.