Apple pensa a un ibrido pieghevole fra MacBook e iPad thumbnail

Apple thinks of a foldable hybrid between MacBook and iPad

The rumors that they want Apple to work on a continue to grow in number and authority hybrid between MacBook and iPadgive folding screen. An all-screen laptop that goes big 20-inch touch screen with 4K resolution. But that in all likelihood will not hit the market before 2025.

Apple working on a foldable MacBook, hybrid between computer and iPad

Last week we had the first credible source confirming the rumors. The display expert Ross Young he had in fact explained that Apple would be “preparing its path towards foldable laptops. We have heard there is interest in the larger screen size so far, about 20 inches. This dimension could create a new category for Apple and would result in a product that is truly dubious in use. With a full-sized keyboard from laptop when folded up to a monitor when lying down and connected to an external keyboard. It may also have a resolution UHD / 4K to those dimensions “.

According to Young though it would not be talked about before 2025more likely 202627. So we expected not to know any more details for a while. But then came the analyst’s confirmation Mark Gurmanconsidered one of the leading experts in predicting the moves of tech companies, especially Apple.

In the latest edition of the newsletter Power On on Bloomberg, Gurman explained that Apple is working on a product that can be a Foldable MacBook or iPaddepending on the needs of users.

hybrid apple macbook ipadCredit Aroged

A little iPad, a little Mac

After recognizing the sources of Ross Young and of Display Supply Chain Consultants, Gurman spoke of the informed speculations that many experts are having. The focus of the discussion is: how will Apple use this technology?

For Gurman “the company could choose to present one 20-inch folding screen connected to a keyboard physics or simply make sure that one of the two halves of the virtual keyboard face screen. They tell me that Apple is pursuing the idea of ​​a MacBook / iPad hybrid that would follow the second approach. It would replace the physical keyboard and trackpad with a touchscreen base[…]. The device would be under development for a couple of years, but will he ever see the light of the sun? According to Young, the company is aiming for a release for 2026, which would fit into the same timeline as Apple Car and the long-awaited AR glasses ”.

foldable macbook-minCredit: Luna Display

As always, Gurman prefers to avoid predictions until he’s certain he’s right. But confirmation that Apple is working on a foldable MacBook arrives without any conditional. It has long been known that Cupertino was experimenting with folding screens, but it was thought that the focus was only on a iPhone folding not to leave Samsung all the glory with its Folds and Flip.

Instead it seems that the Apple believes in the same hybrids that companies like Samsung e Lenovo have already presented. But without waiting for them to be perfect, nor for there to be one great demand from consumers. Bringing futuristic models to market and learning from their mistakes to improve the next generation. And they created demand rather than waiting for it to arise from the market. Instead, it seems that Apple wants to wait until the market is ready for this product, learning from the lessons of others and then launching a foldable MacBook only when it feels completely ready.

We won’t see a foldable Apple product for a while yet. But in just over a week we should attend the Apple event where Apple will launch different devices. In the meantime, we will await new rumors about this project and we will keep you updated.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.