Il nuovo MacBook Air M2 promosso nei primi benchmark: è al livello del Pro thumbnail

Apple will bring the touchscreen to MacBooks

Apple will bring touchscreen to thumbnail MacBooks

The latest rumors want Apple to work to bring gods display touchscreen sui MacBookalthough co-founder Steve Jobs said touching laptop and computer screens with your fingers was “ergonomically awful.”

Apple ready to launch MacBooks with touchscreens

The indiscretion comes from Mark Gurman of Bloomberg, an authoritative source when it comes to Apple. The analyst reports that the engineers of Cupertino are working to start for the first time the pre-production MacBook with touchscreen display.

According to Gurman, Apple would have resigned to the idea while considering the iPad the best solution for those who want a large touchscreen. But since practically every other laptop offers this option, in 2025 we could see the primo MacBook Pro con display touch.

macbook oled 2024 display min

According to rumors, which Apple does not confirm, the design should remain that of a classic laptop with keyboard and trackpad. But with the support of finger touch and screen gestures.

This new feature isn’t the only one coming to MacBook screens, according to Gurman. The analyst has in fact argued that between the autumn of 2024 and 2025 the first MacBook con display OLED, the same technology used in iPhone and Apple Watch (and soon also in iPad Pro).

The touchscreen has long remained taboo in Cupertino for laptops. In 2010 Steve Jobs said it didn’t work because “after a long time, your arm wants to fall off.” And two years later his successor Tim Cook compared Microsoft’s Surface hybrids to “combine a toaster with a refrigerator”.

But Gurman also recalls that Jobs said Apple would not sell cell phones, while now smartphones are more than half of its sales and probably its most important technological legacy. Never say never.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.