L’Intelligenza Artificiale entra nelle scuole con H-FARM thumbnail

Artificial Intelligence enters schools with H-FARM

There is much discussion about the infinite application possibilities of Artificial Intelligence. After all, whether in the industrial or research field, AI allows us to automate processes and speed up dynamics. He is an example of this H-FARMthe Venice campus dedicated to training and innovation, which has made the much-discussed Artificial intelligence its strong point, integrating it into all its educational paths and supporting startups that use it to create innovative solutions.

The latest study from the International Monetary Fund estimates that AI will influence around 40% of jobs in the world. For this reason, H-FARM is committed to training young people and professionals to understand, interpret and manage AI, offering them the skills necessary to face the challenges and opportunities of the future.

H-FARM: Artificial Intelligence for the Mathematics for Business course

An example of how H-FARM enhances AI is the course Mathematics for Business of H-FARM College, in which cHundred students had to tackle a series of algebraic questions with the help of Chat GPT. The objective was not to simplify the task, but to stimulate students to deal with AI, to understand its limits and potential, and to integrate it with your own mathematical skills. In this way, AI becomes not only a tool, but also an object of study and learning.

“We are in an era where AI skills have become an essential key to success. The rapid evolution of this technology is redefining the business landscape without precedent: to remain competitive and fully exploit the potential it offers, companies need to invest in trained profiles and update their processes and operating models. And that’s what we do at H-FARM, designing new paths to accompany young people, businesses and the territory in this change. This transformation not only increases efficiency and productivity, but opens new frontiers of innovation, enabling businesses to thrive in the ever-changing digital age.” he has declared Riccardo Donadon, founder of H-FARM.

Artificial Intelligence between education and business

H-FARM offers innovative and multidisciplinary training courses that integrate AI in different fields, from school to university, from computer graphics to video game design. Among the new features of the next academic year, there are two three-year degrees in AI & Data Science e Technology Management with Cybersecuritywhich respond to the growing demand for profiles specialized in AI, Big Data and digitalisation.

Finally, AI is also at the center of H-FARM’s research and development activity, which through its startup Center supports and funds startups that use AI to create smart and sustainable solutions in various sectors. Some examples are E-Trash (which uses AI to optimize waste management and separate collection in companies), KeyBrain (to improve the well-being and productivity of workers) e Easy W-AI (which creates personalized and adaptable travel itineraries).

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.