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Artificial intelligence, what to expect in 2023

This year has had a lot of interesting news from the world ofartificial intelligence: but how will the 2023 of AI? From the ability to create artistic productions to the first regulations to regulate AI, a year awaits us with just as many new features.

Artificial intelligence, what to expect in 2023

After the success of Lensa AI, one of the most downloaded apps this year, several other AI-based software for edit pictures and create artwork will come to market. The same goes for software like Stable Diffusionalgorithm at the base of several software that generate images based on the words you write as input.

On the other hand, however, several experts point out that more and more artists have recognized parts of their own works or strong inspirations in the work of these artificial intelligence engines. Especially when these open source tools are then used to sell commercial artistic products without rewarding those who have provided data to the AI.

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Also because according to experts the approaches based onopen source and decentralization i’m here to stay. Especially since these approaches will also allow startups and small companies to have the resources necessary to use AI to the fullest.

However, businesses of all sizes will need to prepare for a wave of rules and regulations from various entities. From the United States to Europe, they will come rules based on the “risk related” to the activities of the AI. In other words, in high risk areas such as healthcare there will be legal, technical and ethical parameters before entering the market (especially Europe). While areas with lower risks (video games, for example), only greater transparency will be asked.

On the other hand, companies will be able to bet on unprecedented investments in this sector. Just think that OpenAI has reached one pre-market valuation of $20 billion and which aims to raise the bar even further.

In short, the AI ​​market will be richer but also more regulated and stable in 2023: artificial intelligence will become even more mature.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.