Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: how to win the dice

Are you determined to win the favor of the Norse gods? Don’t worry, we are here to help you! In this guide we present our tips to learn how to win at Orlog: the dice game present in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

If in these days you are accompanying Eivor “Wolf Bite” on his mission to conquer the Anglo-Saxon lands (or you are preparing for the new full-bodied DLC coming), between one raid and another, you may occasionally feel the need to rest . There are numerous recreational activities in which you can take part: if you like contact with nature you can go fishing (here you can find our guide on the matter), while if you are more dedicated to tempting fate you will find bread for your teeth. in the Orlog. In this guide we will give you an overview to learn how to play and win craps in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. May the Norns guide you.

With dice

It seems that Eivor is unable to stay too far from the battlefield, be it real or fictional. In fact, in this dice-based game, the goal will be (needless to say) to defeat your opponent, leaving him without health points (represented by the stones next to each player’s bowl). It starts with 15 health points each, and at each turn the players roll the six dice, then choosing how many to keep and how many to reroll (the latter option is only possible three times).

Choose wisely which symbols to keep and which not, according to the strategy you will adopt, as the dice can allow you to act both in an offensive and defensive way, based on the symbols that appear: the ax and the arrow will be respectively close attack and attack to distance; helmet and shield will instead allow you to defend yourself from such attacks (the first will be valid for the close attack, the second for the ranged one). Finally, the hands allow you to steal tokens that can be spent for divine favors, which we will talk about in the following paragraph.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla: how to win the dice

May the Gods Help You – Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: How to Win at Dice

Once you have completed the roll of the dice, which is the first phase of each game turn, we will move on to the second step in which we will have the opportunity to invoke the power of the gods. At the price of a variable number of tokens (obtainable when, at the roll of the dice, faces with a golden frame appear), it will be possible enjoy the bonuses provided by the divine favors that we will possess. At the beginning of the game we will be able to choose up to three divine favors among those in our possession (we will get new ones by gradually defeating the various players in the game world), and it will be important to decide which ones to use based on the situation.

In fact, favors can add extra damage or double the damage inflicted, but they can also weaken the opponent’s defenses (making null some helmet or shield symbols obtained from it). There will even be divine favors that can make you regain lost health points, therefore it is clear how important it is to know these powers thoroughly to learn how to win dice in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. In particular, we advise you to accumulate as many tokens as possible, and at the same time to keep an eye on the opposing stocks (stealing from them as much as possible) to avoid unexpected surprises.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla: how to win the dice

Final resolution – Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: how to win the dice

The final phase of each round in Orlog is the so-called resolution. In this step we will calculate the damage suffered by each player, first of all by comparing the results of the dice rolled in the initial phase. Then the required number of tokens will be spent to activate the chosen divine favors and if at the end of the phase both opponents are still alive, it will start from the beginning. This stage is crucial, as the effects of our choices will become effective, confirming or not the success of our strategy.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla: how to win the dice

Final remarks

Learning how to win Orlog dice in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla will take a good deal of planning. It will indeed be necessary have an effective strategy in mind and adapt to various situations, predicting the opponent’s moves. As you may have noticed, the basics of the game are very simple, however Orlog can get quite deep too, when we begin to explore the different possibilities granted by the divine favors obtainable.

What do you think? Have you already tried your hand at Orlog matches? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned to for all the news dedicated to the world of video games. To buy video games at a discounted price, we recommend that you take a look at the Instant Gaming catalog.