Aston Martin progetta una casa privata in Asia con Vibroa thumbnail

Aston Martin designs a private home in Asia with Vibroa

Aston Martin has signed a partnership with the brand for Japanese luxury homes Vibroa: the company has already applied its stylistic precepts to the first house № 001 Minami Aoyama. A private house of the highest luxury in the area Omotesando di Minani Aoyamastyle and architecture district of Tokyo.

Aston Martin designs its first private home with Vibroa

A home designed for luxury and elegance. The British brand has indeed designed a gallery to showcase cars of who will buy this little gem. In addition to a wine cellar, a private cinema, a gym and a spa. All by bringing together Aston Martin’s design team with an acclaimed local architect.

The Aston Martin team drew the exterior lines of the house, as well as choosing the interior style and carefully choosing the interior décor. The House of four floors with terrace and Tokyo viewalready belongs to a private buyer and will be completed by November 2023.

001 Minami Aoyama aston martin vibroa min

This is the first real estate collaboration of Aston Martin in Asia, after the successes in the United States. Among these, Sylvan Rock in the exclusive Aston Martin Residences a Miami. Which are 97% sold already before the launch next summer.

Marek Reichman, Executive Vice President and Chief Creative Officer of Aston Martin, explains: “The influence of Tokyo culture, with its incredible history and style, has an important creative space in our design studio. I see the fashion, architecture and even the culinary references that our team has considered while developing our work, so their presence is felt a lot. We thought we’d return the favor with our first ultra-luxury partnership in Asia with Vibroa, sewing our design principles to measure for No. 001 Minami property”.

aston martin vibroa № 001 Minami Aoyama min

Toshiyuki YoshidaChief Executive Officer of Vibroa explains: “We are delighted to be working with an iconic ultra-luxury brand such as Aston Martin, famous for its design philosophy to bring a unique dimension not just this house, but the wider real estate world in Japan.”

In the near future, new luxury homes could therefore also arrive in Japan, with the iconic design of Aston Martin.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.