AWorld e Nazioni Unite presentano la nuova versione dell'app AWorld ActNow thumbnail

AWorld and United Nations present the new version of the AWorld ActNow app

La startup cleantech italiana AWorldtogether with United Nationspresents to the COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh the new version of the app AWorld ActNow. The carbon footprint calculator allows people to act in an environmentally conscious way.

AWorld ActNow, the new app presented by AWorld and the United Nations

Choice in UN General Secretariat in 2020 to support the ActNow campaign, the platform makes people in 200 countries aware of environmentally conscious consumption. And introduces the Lifestyle today Carbon Footprint Calculatora measurement system developed with the collaboration of UNFCCC (United Nations Climate Change).

Divided into four categories (Casa, Trips, Food e Lifestyle), the new app proposes twelve questions to users to assess how many carbon emissions they contribute to provide. The result dynamically updates to show the impact on the planet.

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Alessandro Armillotta, CEO of AWorld, he explains: “By introducing this mechanism for monitoring and calculating CO2 emissions, we want to look at the well-being of people, the environment and society. The Carbon Footprint Calculator will be useful to all users who will use it not only to understand the impact their activities have on our Planet, but also to deepen and understand how to improve it, reducing it. “

The app also renews its interface, making it even easier to understand how to focus on sustainable with stories enriched by questionnaires, quizzes, gamification. In addition, the ability to create teams allows you to organize yourself with other users in cooperative challenges, events and training courses.

You can calculate your Carbon Footprint by downloading the free app here.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.