Bitdefender Labs ha scoperto la nuova minaccia informatica Sardonic thumbnail

Bitdefender Labs has discovered the new Sardonic cyber threat

Bitdefender Labs has discovered the new Sardonic thumbnail cyber threat

Bitdefender Labs announced the publication of new research concerning the cybercriminal group FIN8 and the new threat Sardonic. The investigation stems from a blocked attack against a customer of a US bank and led the Bitdefender team to identify a new backdoor called Sardonic. The purpose of this new threat is to allow cybercriminals to illegally get hold of the financial data of unsuspecting victims.

Sardonic is the new cyber threat identified by Bitdefender

This is a truly unique backdoor. Sardonic, in fact, it uses aplug-in architecture which allows FIN8 to add functionality to its malware without the need to fully update it. The research that led Bitdefender to locate Sardonic confirms that FIN8 resumed its activity after a break of about a year and a half. As early as last March, FIN8 had resurfaced with an update to the BADHATCH backdoor.

FIN8 objectives

FIN8, as reported by MITER, is a group that creates cyber threats for financial purposes. It is known for launching targeted spear phishing campaigns, particularly targeting the retail, restaurant and hotel sectors. FIN8 steals credit card data using special backdoors and techniques designed to evade defenses.

For more details on the new Bitdefender research and the new cyber threat you can consult the official site.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.