
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone: Capture the Flag guide

A classic shooter makes its return to Call of Duty: here's what to expect from Capture the Flag on Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone

If you are too young (yes, it hurts to write it, ed.), in our guide to what's new in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 e Warzone you may have raised an eyebrow when you read that mode Capture the Flag it is a “great classic” of shooters. Don't get us wrong, it is, but that doesn't mean you have to know this type of multiplayer game. It's actually a classic for the series as well, as Activision noted when talking about the many requests to (re)introduce it from fans. However, there is a remote possibility that your background is more shaped by the battle royale sphere. And this is where, even with the ailments we may have, us old people take over. Let's get into it!

Fundamentals of the mode | Capture the flag: what to know about the Call of Duty mode between Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone

For those who play exclusively Warzone, an explanation on the matter may not be of much use, but for fans of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, a refresher on what Capture the Flag mode consists of may be useful. This is a variation on the theme compared to the classic deathmatches, in which the objective focuses on the possibility of sneak into an enemy base, take the enemy's flag and take it to your nest while dodging various projectiles from your opponents. It's difficult to say what the genesis of the video game equivalent of rubabandiera, but in broad terms we would attribute it to the first Quake (see, in this sense, also the review of the second). If you want the best from this mode outside of CoD, we recommend dusting off the first one Unreal Tournament and to throw yourself on the Facing Worlds map (Twin Worlds in the Italian translations).

Recent history of the mode on CoD | Capture the flag: what to know about the Call of Duty mode between Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone

How does this translate into the realistic militaristic context of CoD? In the aforementioned guide to what's new, still fresh from publication, we mentioned six maps for six-person team battles, which go well with the flag-stealing foundations. Already in the fifth season of Modern Warfare 2, dating back two years ago, the mode showed up (in that case in the twenty-versus-twenty maps), but it wasn't always something to take for granted: a year earlier, in Vanguard, the flags never got to fly. Now, however, the tune has changed and player feedback has brought this mode back into the spotlight. Better late than never, one might add…

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone: Capture the Flag guideCall of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone: Capture the Flag guide

How to play | Capture the flag: what to know about the Call of Duty mode between Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone

The mode has been reinvented in multiple ways, one above all with the iconic Team Fortress 2 briefcases, but in the case of CoD you can expect the same rules seen elsewhere. Steal the flag from your opponents' base and bring it to yours score a point. Of course, the chaos that has made the fortune of the mode in other shooters lies in the necessity of also play defensively. Enemies will in fact try to do the same, which is why you will often find yourself playing skeet shooting with apartment mice in your base. Another detail we may not have mentioned: you will not be able to score any points if your flag is not at the base! Be careful…

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone: Capture the Flag guideCall of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone: Capture the Flag guide


There's no need to say much else, but if you're planning on leaving Warzone aside for a moment in favor of Capture the Flag mode in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, you might need a strategy very clear. Ideally you could act as a “flying goalkeeper”, especially if you are an attacker but the opponents have managed to overwhelm your defender. However, having well-defined roles is always preferable. Try to put a bullet in the heads of opposing players when you're on offense while you're at it. By doing so, you should minimize the risk of missing out on the flag once you have it. Similarly, try to never attack alone, so that in case of elimination your teammate can quickly pick up the flag you drop. If you are on defense, be careful of opponents who use the same strategy! For the rest, once you have collected the flag of your base, it will automatically end up there.

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