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Call of Duty Vanguard is available: here are all the things to know

After a long promotional campaign put together by Actvision, Call of Duty Vanguard is finally available worldwide. The title is configured as a sort of return to origins for the saga, which returns to its iconic battles set during the Second World War, maintaining all those elements that made the formula famous in the past, with some improvements. Let’s take a look at all the things to know about Call of Duty Vanguard.

Call of Duty Vanguard: all the things to know

As we already mentioned at the beginning, the single player campaign of Call of Duty Vanguard is set during the Second World War, more specifically during the last months of the conflict, in 1945. The central nucleus of the story is represented by the birth of the first nucleus of special forces, whose deeds are narrated through a series of chapters set as interrupters.

These individuals, who are in fact our operators, in the game become true heroes of the battlefield inspired by historical figures who really existed, even if obviously they are not a perfect match. A good choice in our opinion, given that at the level of gameplay the workings of Vanguard are invincible to say the least and endowed with abilities at times super human.

Call-of-Duty-Vanguard gamescom 2021 opening night annunci

The single-player campaign lasts about a total of about seven hours, which are divided between the many operators who will tell their story in the context of this insight into the end of the Second World War. Particularly interesting in this sense is Polina Petrova, the chosen shooter already seen in the various trailers who offers an insight that is practically never seen in the saga on the human dimension of war.

Net of some textures not exactly at the top, theIW Engine used in the production of the title makes itself felt and flexes its muscles, making some parts of the campaign really beautiful and spectacular. Too bad for the general linearity of the story, which from this point of view could have given much more.

The multiplayer sector

The real flagship of Call of Duty Vanguard is undoubtedly the multiplayer sector, as was to be expected from a title in this series. The number of maps, this time, is 20, of which, however, only 16 are dedicated to the modes of the core playlist, such as Deathmatch, Search and Destroy, Kill Confirmed and Location.

Even within them these maps are detailed and able to offer a fair amount of settings and potential situations, also and above all thanks to the verticality, present in each of these twenty locations. Precisely for this reason for the veterans of the saga some maps may seem smaller than in the past, but don’t be fooled: the details and the layering of the same are more than enough to justify a slightly smaller square footage.

Call of Duty Vanguard things

The introduction of the destructibility of the elementsthe screen at specific points on the map such as doors, windows, or walls covering a target. This mechanic allows to discourage a minimum of the campers, who can now no longer be sure that the outer walls absorb the bullets and explosions to the point of protecting them from our weapons.

This addition is accompanied by the possibility of setting the so-called battle pace, a sort of filter that allows you to decide how many players can participate in a given session, thus also establishing how hectic a match can become.

The zombie mode

Finally, it cannot be a good Call of Duty without the zombie mode, which has this round seems to have been made much more accessible through a series of suggestions present here and there in the arenas. This is not an intrusive addition, and indeed it goes well with the puzzle soul that has always characterized this mode over the years.

Call of Duty Vanguard things

To conclude, if you are a fan of Call of Duty we absolutely recommend this new title of the saga, which will be able to put you in front a playful landscape as familiar as it is tantalizing in the right places. In this regard, we point out that the game will have many updates in the coming months, so we invite you to stay tuned to steal all the news.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.