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Car inspection 2024: costs, deadlines and bonuses

New year, new rules: some news is arriving for drivers who have to have their car inspected in 2024, regarding costs, deadlines and bonuses for road users, the reason for these new regulations is for a more effective mechanism

We start 2024 with new rules that concern all road users, even those who ride an e-bike (we have written a guide on the conscious choice of e-bikes). The facilitation ends Safe Vehicle Bonus, a three-year measure, started in 2021 by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. This served to amortize the increase in costs, in fact even the car inspection it had dropped in price. Therefore this bonus will remain in force only for those who carried out the inspection in 2023, otherwise there are no big differences. Now let’s move on to new for 2024.

Car inspection 2024: costs, deadlines and bonusesWhat is revision | Car inspection 2024: costs, deadlines and bonuses

According to the Highway Code regulations, the inspection is a inspection required by law. The review is carried out at Vehicle registration or, if you are willing to spend a little more, to the authorized workshop closest to you. The technicians check the exhaust fumes, equipment, brakes, steering, suspension etc. to ensure that the vehicle is still roadworthy, for road safety and for the environment. For cars with a carriage of up to 9 seats and those for transporting goods weighing no more than 3.5 tons, the inspection carried out for the first time 4 years after registrationthen it must be done every 2 years. The review becomes annual for vehicles such as trucks, trailers over 3.5 tonnes, taxis, NCC vehicles, ambulances and atypical vehicles. The deadline obviously changes based on the date that appears on the coupon applied to the registration document. There is time to do the review until the end of the month in which it falls.

Car inspection 2024: costs, deadlines and bonuses

What’s new | Car inspection 2024: costs, deadlines and bonuses

The news for 2024 on car inspections concern controls via OBD port and reading errors stored in the car’s control unit, signaled by the MIL engine warning light. The novelty in this control lies in the device used, i.e. the Scantool OBD. All authorized workshops, together with other hardware and software adjustments, must equip themselves with this device by January 31, 2024. For cars registered from 1 January 2021, the fuel consumption communication will come from the OBFCM control unit. These are innovations that have the purpose of fight mileage fraud and of cars with safety and efficiency problems. Initially, however, only the anomalies indicated by the MIL light will determine the result of the inspection.

Car inspection 2024: costs, deadlines and bonuses

Costs and penalties | Car inspection 2024: costs, deadlines and bonuses

They confirmed that the price for the car inspection is 78.75 euros at authorized centersthe price has increased compared to 2021, in which it only cost 66,88 euro. In the Civil Motorization offices, however, the price is 45 euro. There is a big problem however: at the moment the possibility of having the inspection done by the Civil Motorization is suspended. Driving with an expired inspection may mean receiving one fine from 173 to 694 euros, with the suspension of the vehicle from circulation as a consequence. If you drive with a suspended car, the fine is much higher and we are talking about figures between 1198 euros and 7993 euros, complete with a 90-day administrative detention. If you repeat the offence, your vehicle will be confiscated. Those who want to be smart and try to circumvent the system with a false inspection will be fined from 430 to 1731 euroscomplete with collection of the registration certificate or registration document.

Car inspection 2024: costs, deadlines and bonuses

We respect the law

Although, unfortunately, prices continue to increase, it is always better to respect the law and avoid paying very high fines. More often than not, we save much more when we respect the rules rather than when we try to circumvent the system and cheat it with secret techniques. Maybe you will even be able to get around it, but if you get caught you will have to pay triple, if not more, than what you could have paid by following the rules. So we invite you to respect the law and avoid making risky moves.

What do you think? Will you try to have the inspection done at the Civil Motorization in the hope that it will become available again or will you immediately go to the nearest workshop? Let us know in the comments. Stay tuned with us on techgameworld.com for other news and guides from the world of motoring.