ChatGPT ancora più intelligente con queste estensioni browser thumbnail

ChatGPT even smarter with these browser extensions

ChatGPT is becoming a topic of discussion among all technology enthusiasts – and beyond. The AI ​​bot takes care of everything, from web research to writing short essays and articles (don’t worry, humans wrote this). Over 100 million people have tried ChatGPT for various reasons. But perhaps few are using it to its full potential. So we thought we’d collect some of them here best browser extensions that allow you to exploit ChatGPT even smarter.

ChatGPT: browser extensions to use it to the fullest

The artificial intelligence of ChatGPT is really impressive, especially when you create full-bodied texts, summarized in a few lines entire web pages or essays. AI understands language very well. But the interface created by OpenAI to exploit it is rather spartan (although it has conveniences such as Dark mode, for example).

Using of third-party browser extensions, however, you can use ChatGPT in a more intuitive way, even from other websites. Thus adding missing features such as the ability to export chats and more.

All the extensions we are talking about in this article are compatible with latest versions of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. But often you can also find them for Firefox.

Merlin, the new AI wizard

Merlin left Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table to join ChatGPT. Basically, it makes AI immediately available. For example, if you have to compose a replying to a social media post or summarizing a long block of text, just use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+M (Windows) or Cmd+M (macOS) to activate Merlin after selecting a block of text. Now you have to tell Merlin what you want ChatGPT to do: summarize, reply or write.

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Try highlighting all text of an email and asking Merlin/ChatGPT to compose a reply. But use it sparingly: you will be limited to 31 requests per day.

ChatGPT for Google – one of the most convenient browser extensions

Google is preparing its own version of conversational AI, called Bard. But no need to wait for Google’s version of ChatGPT, because ChatGPT for Google displays chatbot results alongside standard Google results every time you search.

Naturally, this is more useful for some queries than others. Indeed, not having access to recent data, ChatGPT cannot tell you about politics, sports and recent events. But it can explain what DNA is or who won the various Punic Wars. But remember to connect to your ChatGPT account in your browser to view responses.

The ChatGPT box is seamlessly integrated alongside standard Google search results. And you can start a separate conversation with ChatGPT directly from there: a bit like in Bing Chat (here our experience).

Enhanced ChatGPT: An enhanced chatbot

Enhanced ChatGPT adds new features to the basic ChatGPT interface, such as the option of export your chats in Markdown format and some handy tools to help you with your prompts. For example, triggers for find images on the web, get travel tips, generate translations and code in JavaScript. You can find them directly on the OpenAI website after installing the extension.

ChatGPT workers

After setting up the add-on, you can search for the new optionand Export chat in the lower left corner. There are no export options, but having a copy of your chats might be useful.

WritingMate, your writing companion

If you want ChatGPT to help you write on the web, from email to social media posts, WritingMate can help you. You can launch it with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+M (Windows) o Cmd+M (macOS) or via the floating icon on the right of the browser window.

You can use it directly on the web pages you are looking at, and there are also some useful tips included with the extension. You can also edit and improve ChatGPT responses. You have 10 messages per day included, but if you want more or like longer texts, there’s a $15/month premium account.

Best browser extensions for ChatGPT: WebChatGPT

WebChatGPT is an extension that enhances the ChatGPT experience by allowing you to view web search results along with AI responses. This makes the interface more useful and coherent: it seems to be in ChatGPT, but you have the answers from Google just a click away.

The extension works better for some questions than others, such as those that require up-to-date information on the web.

Promptheus, the titan of prompts

Promptheus is another very useful extension, which allows you to talk to ChatGPT instead of typing questions. The extension is easy to use and offers some customizable settings as well.

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Just enter ChatGPT with the browser extension active and hold down the space bar while speaking. What’s more, you can set to stop typing as soon as you finish speaking, or other similar functions. Also, you can access the AI ​​with a click on the icon in the extensions.

The convenience of ChatGPT Export and Share

ChatGPT Export and Share is another useful extension that allows you to export and share ChatGPT chats to other places. It takes a little longer to set up the extension, but once it’s done, you can export your chats as images and PDFs and create shareable links to them. This way, you can easily transfer the contents from the ChatGPT interface wherever you want.

With these browser extensions, artificial intelligence gets even smarter.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.