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ChatGPT has already written several books for sale on the Kindle Store

More news from the world of artificial intelligence: ChatGPT is able to write an e-book through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing program.

ChatGPT will be able to write e-books, but in what sense?

Using AI software that can generate blocks of text from simple instructions, aspiring writer Brett Schickler created a 30-page illustrated e-book for children in hours and put it on sale in January through Kindle Direct Publishing. Amazon. The title of the e-book is “The Wise Little Squirrel: A Tale of Saving and Investing”.

The e-book made with ChatGPT is currently available in the Amazon Kindle store for $2.99. You can also find it for $9.99 in print. The proceeds, so far, have earned Schickler less than $100, which is enough to spur him on to compose more books using the AI ​​software.

Not only this book, but many others, up to over 200 e-books featured in Amazon’s Kindle store in the middle of this month. However, due to the nature of ChatGPT and the lack of disclosure by many authors, it is nearly impossible to get a full account of how many e-books have been written by AI.

The ChatGPT effect on large companies

The rapid use of ChatGPT by users has stimulated large companies to invest money in startups focused on artificial intelligence. Microsoft, for example, is focusing heavily on integrating ChatGPT into its Bing search engine. This move seems to have been spot on because many more people decide to use it.

Not only Microsoft, but also Google, which has even decided to introduce the rival of ChatGPT. Its artificial intelligence is called Bard and has roughly the same characteristics as ChatGPT.

artificial intelligence

Writers’ reaction to AI writing books

ChatGPT appears to be poised to turn the book industry upside down. Many aspiring novelists Looking to make a quick buck, they’re turning to the software to help create bot-created e-books and publish them through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing.

I picture books for children they’re a favorite of first-time authors turning to AI. Not surprisingly, hundreds of t’s have popped up on YouTube, TikTok and Redditutorials that show how to make a book in few hours. The topics in those volumes include get-rich-quick advice, dietary advice, software coding tips, and recipes.

“This is something we really have to worry about, these books will flood the market and many authors will be out of work,” he said. Mary Rasenberger, executive director of writers group The Authors Guild. Ghostwriting has a long tradition, Rasenberger said, but the ability to automate through AI could turn bookwriting from a craft into a devalued commodity.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.