Clearview AI sta costruendo un database di 100 miliardi di immagini thumbnail

Clearview AI is building a database of 100 billion images

Clearview AI is well on its way to building a database consisting of approx 100 billion facial images. The company reveals that the database will be available later this year. According to the financial presentation of the facial recognition platform that the Washington Post, the database can make “anyone in the world identifiable”. On average, Clearview adds nearly 1.5 billion images to its database every month.

Clearview AI and the image database

facial recognition surveillance ban

The Clearview platform is currently used by law enforcement per surveillance purposes. At the moment the company plans to extend its application to monitor gig economy workers. According to what was revealed, the company is also developing technologies to identify people based on their pacedetect their location from the photo and get remote fingerprint data.

To achieve this, the company is also trying to make money 50 million dollars.

Hoan Ton-Thatthe founder of Clearview, said the presentation was part of a proposal of alternative income streams and it was shared with “a small group of people who have expressed an interest in society”. The presentation mentioned Uber, Lyft, and Airbnb as potential customers. However, the spokespersons of these companies they denied to have expressed interest in Clearview.

Government and defense contracts are a small part of the Clearview’s future roadmap. Banks, retail and e-commerce are a key part of its potential “total addressable market”. He also claimed that Clearview’s products they are not designed for commercial buyers. The company must first obtain permission from a federal court in Illinois before approaching any non-governmental buyer.

“Our principles reflect current uses of our technology. If these uses change, the principles will be updated as needed, ”Ton-That concluded.


Analytics India Mag

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.