La patch next-gen di Cyberpunk 2077. Cosa è successo thumbnail

Cyberpunk 2077 next gen: here’s what changes with patch 1.5

After months of waiting, finally Cyberpunk 2077 received the free update next gen, which guarantees the game of improved performance on PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X|S. It is possible to consult the details of the patch in question at the official website of CD Projekt Redso let’s take a look at what are the most important changes this update brings.

Cyberpunk 2077: here are the news of the next gen update

As was already quite clear from the development team’s past statements, the patch 1.5 Cybperpunk 2077 focuses primarily on the implementation of features typical of next gen consoles. Among these stand out the ray tracing and support for dynamic resolution up to 4K; the management of the shadows is also very interesting, which will be realized through the ray tracing function to make them as realistic as possible.

Among the various fixes that the developers have opted for on the new generation consoles we find a considerable reduction in the drops of framerate and improved rendering quality, along with other currently unspecified graphics enhancements. The game version for Xbox Series S however it seems the most castrated of all, also due to the less performing hardware. Here, in fact, we find a dynamic resolution up to 1440p and only 30 frames per second.

Cyberpunk 2077 next gen

On PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, on the other hand, we find two graphics modes: the performance mode which should ensure smooth gaming at 60fps with dynamic resolution up to 4k, and the ray tracing mode which maintains the dynamic resolution in 4K but lowers the framerate to 30fps in favor of processing reflections and shadows much more believable and realistic than the other game mode.

But it doesn’t stop there: the game on PS5 comes with other unique features to the new Sony flagship. In this case we are faced with a total support for the controller’s haptic feedback DualSense, with the controller microphone being used to perform various functions, such as holocalls. Furthermore, also on PS5, support for 3D audio from headphones and speakers, already present on Microsoft machines, has been activated.

Not just graphics upgrades

This very rich patch, however, not only adds graphic improvements, but goes to insert in the game a plethora of new content. First of all, we find new abilities and the removal of some of them, now deemed useless in the face of the feedback received from fans. In this case, this is a really good change that considerably improves the customization that the game grants to the player.

Speaking of customization, now it will be possible to modify the appearance of V in game, and the developers should have implemented new options through which it will be possible to make the character as close as possible to our imagination. Changes also for the apartments of our hero, now more numerous and which will grant passive upgrades depending on what we do inside them.

Cyberpunk 2077 next gen

Still with regard to the role-playing component of the game, now the relationships with the various characters and potential lovers of V will be a little more layered and it will be possible to exchange messages and invite people to our home, presumably whenever we want, or perhaps satisfying some prerequisites.

Finally, there are also improvements regarding the combat system, thanks to an intelligence improved artificial of enemies and NPCs and the addition of numerous new weapons with which to wreak havoc on the streets of Night City. In short, if you wanted to resume playing Cyberpunk after a period of pause, this could be your chance.

There is no shortage of problems

Despite all these noteworthy innovations, there has been a wide range of technical problems during the past few hours, which have plagued various versions of the game. Some users, for example, have found that It is not possible to transfer your trophies from the PlayStation 4 version of the game to the PlayStation 5 versionsince the latter version is recognized by the console as a completely different game.

At the same time, many players in Europe are experiencing several problems with the free upgrade. The update is in fact impossible to download for all those who own a physical copy of the game pertaining to a geographical area other than the destination one, a rather common eventuality that had already been registered at the launch of the title.

Finally, it seems that a bug has started to appear on the PlayStation 4 application, which is impossible to start after installing the game update 1.5. In short, some beautiful cats to peel for CD Projekt Redwhich has already declared that it is working to solve the various problems that have arisen over the past few hours.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.