Coca-Cola presenta la limited edition di Coca-Cola Movement con Rosalìa thumbnail

Coca-Cola presents the limited edition of Coca-Cola Movement with Rosalìa

Coca-Cola presents the limited edition of Coca-Cola Movement with Rosalìa thumbnail

A new collaboration arrives between Coca-Cola and Rosalìa, one of the most popular artists on the world music scene, winner of a Grammy Award. The partnership comes on the occasion of the launch of the limited edition of Coca-Cola Movement. It’s about the new communication platform that aims to bring the brand towards new expressions, the result of collaborations, creativity and cultural connections.

“The new generations are always looking for a transformation and new languages ​​to express themselves and their uniqueness and music is the vehicle par excellence for change”, he said Raluca Vlad, Coca-Cola Italia Marketing Director. “The Coca-Cola Global Platform Creations arrives in Italy for the first time and, through the collaboration with such an inspirational artist as Rosalìa, we want to open new horizons for the brand and push our unique taste towards new expressions”.

Coca-Cola Movement inspired Rosalìa’s new single

LLYLM, the new single by Rosalìa inspired by the collaboration with Coca-Cola Movement, was also released on January 27th. The piece represents an absolute novelty also for the artist herself, as it presents a mixture of languages ​​and an entire verse sung in English. The song is also the soundtrack of a launch video starring Rosalìa, an experience conceived and produced by AKQA and the WPP OpenX team.

“I am thrilled to have co-created this new beverage with Coca-Cola and hope everyone can enjoy this journey of music, flavor and creation as much as I have. I really enjoyed creating the new song LLYLM and this collaboration with Coca-Cola,” said the Grammy Award-winning artist and producer, Rosalía.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.