DAZN porta su Twitch il nuovo format I Love Mondays thumbnail

DAZN brings the new I Love Mondays format to Twitch

DAZN brings the new I Love Mondays thumbnail format to Twitch

Every Monday, DAZN’s new I Love Mondays format will be broadcast on Twitch. It is an interactive format that aims to tell the background of the Serie A weekend and the post-match analysis. The protagonists of I Love Mondays are the members of the DAZN Squad. The format aims to reach younger audiences by introducing new engagement opportunities with real-time interaction between DAZN fans and talents.

The DAZN’s new form, I Love Mondays, arrives on Twitch

I Love Mondays is a unique event of its kind offering an interactive approach with users. The program will air from 18:30 to 19:30 and will include the interventions of former players who will enrich the appointment with technical comments and anecdotes. The interaction with the community will be another fundamental step of the format. In this way, DAZN aims to broaden its audience towards the younger audience.

How to follow the program

To follow I Love Mondays it is sufficient to connect from the hours 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm on the Twitch channel (daznit). The program will also be broadcast via the DAZN app. The appointment with the new format is therefore for next 25 October to comment on this weekend’s matches. We remind you that this weekend will be really full of appointments on DAZN. For more details on the “sports marathon” organized by the platform, please refer to the link below.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.