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Dear fuels, here is all the news for petrol and diesel

From August 1 comes the expensive fuel e the obligation for stations to expose i prices medi e medi national. Here is all the news for gas e diesel.

Dear fuels, all the news for petrol and diesel, source DepositPhotosDear fuels, all the news for petrol and diesel, source DepositPhotos

The measure launched by the government

Let’s take a step back to the beginning of the year government launches in petrol decree the obligation for service stations to display fuel prices. Including, even the national averages. So as to allow the motorists and easier comparison.

Industry insiders not only object to it, they do appeal to the Tar. Now, the Court administrative office of Lazio rejects the request for an urgent suspension. And it gives the go-ahead to exhibiting the double price.

What does the Fuel Decree provide?

Il Fuel Decree wanted by the government and in effective from 1 Augustor, is a provision relating to price transparency for distributors.

Therefore the average price will be calculated by the ministry, referring to the arithmetic averages on a regional basis for plants on ordinary networks and national ones for motorways.

I average prices are calculated by the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy (Mimi). This processes the data, calculating the arithmetic mean. On a regional basis and of the autonomous provinces, the prices communicated by the operators of the sale of automotive fuel to the public in plants located outside the motorway network.

Objective: to monitor fuel prices

As well as the arithmetic average, on a national basis, of those communicated by operators operating along the motorway network. And it takes care of the publication in open format on its institutional website. The goal is to monitor fuel prices and protect motorists, ensuring greater transparency.

By being able to compare the distributor’s price with the average price, the consumer will be able to make an informed choice.

Dear fuels, all the news for petrol and diesel, source DepositPhotosDear fuels, all the news for petrol and diesel, source DepositPhotos

The penalties provided for violators

Service station managers must communicate changes in the price charged on a weekly basis. Even in cases of absence of increases or decreases.

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Many yes 200 to 2 thousand euros

I billboards with actual and average prices must be prominently displayed. In the event of a breach of the fuel price reporting obligations, the operators risk a fine from 200 euros to 2 thousand euros.

This also takes into account the merchant’s turnover, for the day on which the violation occurred. If the violation is repeated more than four times.

Even non-consecutive and within 60 days, the suspension of the activity for a period from 1 to 30 days can be ordered.

This applies, with the same amounts and methods, even in the event of a breach of the obligation to display the average price.

L’verification from the violations it belongs to Finance Guardwhile the imposition of sanctions is provided by the Prefect.

When managers can appeal

Despite the no to their requests arrived from the Tar, the managers however do not give up and announce the appeal to the Council of State.

The point of view of Fegica and Figisc

Fegica e Figisc they say they are determined to protect, “in every location, the legitimate rights of a category that has no possibility of affecting the final price of fuels”.

The two associations continue to maintain that the cartel of the average price “will not bring any advantage to consumers”, being moreover incompatible with the rules on competition.

This thesis is also shared by the National Union of Consumers, which defines that of ‘benz-billboards’ as an “unfortunate choice that will reduce competition”.

The intervention of the Antitrust

Even the Antitrust, says the Unc, has not surprisingly expressed an opinion against the publication of the average price. Of a completely different opinion Assoutenti, according to whom instead “everything that favors transparency and simplification in the communication of prices to consumers is positive. However, the spotlight should be focused on the speculations that take place before the fuel arrives at the distributors”.

Dear fuels, all the news for petrol and diesel, source DepositPhotosDear fuels, all the news for petrol and diesel, source DepositPhotosgasoline hose at gas station

The words of Adolfo Urso, Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy

On the subject intervenes the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso. During a press conference with the price guarantor, Benedetto Mineoon the increase recorded in the last few days.

Every citizen can check for himself whether the price of the gas station is in line with the average price and therefore can decide whether to refuel. If the price differs significantly from the average price, he can report it to the ministry“.

The minister also speaks of price increases: “The price of fuel has risen by 4 cents in the last week”. “According to this morning’s data – added Mineo – the trend that had already manifested itself since mid-May in the last two weeks has accelerated: we have petrol at 1.91 cents and diesel at 1.76 cents”.

Urso explains: “The recent increases, of 4 cents of the average price, are a consequence of the increase in international quotations, which in any case remain far from those prior to the moment in which we managed to convince the EU Commission to cap the gas price“.

”The average price today (August 2, ed.) is 1.91 euros for petrol and 1.76 euros for diesel. Today with signs they will have to indicate these prices and therefore the citizen will be able to decide whether to get petrol from those who charge a higher price. It is a transparency operation. The intervention on excise duties made by the previous government was made for the sharp increase in fuel and gas on the occasion of the war in Ukraine and this is not the case today”, concludes Urso.

The updated prices are skyrocketing

In the meantime, there is a new leap in the prices of refined products, which translates into a new increase for fuel prices, petrol and diesel, at the pump. The national averages of the prices charged in vending machines are up sharply: the green in “do-it-yourself” exceeds share 1.9 euro/litre, diesel 1.76 euro/litre. For petrol we have been at the maximum since the end of July 2022 (however, when the discount on excise duty of 30 cents per liter was in force, net of the discount we are at the highest since early December 2022), for diesel we are at the highest since mid-April. These are the data from the Staffetta Quotidiana survey, according to which Eni increased the recommended prices of petrol and diesel by two cents per liter on Saturday. For Q8 there was an increase of two cents per liter on diesel, for Tamoil of one cent per litre.

These are the average prices communicated by the managers to the Price Observatory of the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy and elaborated by the Staffetta, recorded at 8 am yesterday morning on about 18 thousand plants: self-service petrol at 1.908 euro/litre (+17 thousandths, companies 1,917, white pumps 1,891), diesel self service at 1,762 euro/litre (+23, companies 1,771, white pumps 1,741). Petrol served at 2.042 euros/litre (+19, companies 2.088, white pumps 1.950), diesel served at 1.896 euros/litre (+22, companies 1.943, white pumps 1.802). LPG served at 0.700 euro/litre (unchanged, companies 0.710, white pumps 0.687), methane served at 1.414 euro/kg (-3, companies 1.417, white pumps 1.411), LNG 1.242 euro/kg (unchanged, companies 1.252 euro/kg , white pumps 1.236 euro/kg). These are the prices on the motorways: self-service petrol 1.981 euro/litre (served 2.227), self-service diesel 1.847 euro/litre (served 2.102), LPG 0.836 euro/litre, methane 1.540 euro/kg, LNG 1.331 euro/kg.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.