Matteo De Filippi

Destiny 2 review: The Eclipse, a light that sinks

In this review we are going to analyze The Eclipse, the new Destiny 2 DLC. How will it fare on our PC? Let’s find out together

What would have been the last chapter dedicated to the saga of Light and Darkness has arrived on our platforms. Contrary to what was previously thought by the developers of Bungie, this story arc, which featured the three chapters Beyond the Light, The Queen of Whispers and precisely The Eclipsewas eventually lengthened further. The Final Shapewhich should arrive on our platforms in 2024, will therefore be the final chapter, going to transform The Eclipse into a “prequel” to the finale.

This news had already sounded an alarm bell in all the players who, after The Queen of Whispers (probably the best DLC released to date of this title, of which you can read our review by clicking here), were hoping for another masterpiece. Will the Eclipse have proved worthy of the expectations of gamers? Let’s start this review related to Destiny 2: Eclipse and let’s find out together.

Few irons in the fire and also badly cooked – Destiny 2 Review: The Eclipse

The fundamental points of a DLC, or those that will later decide its longevity or not, are the history e the introduction of new mechanics that go to change a gameplay that would otherwise be static. There’s no getting around it if an expansion isn’t supported by a major story arc and some new gameplay, it will be abandoned before you even buy it.

The Queen of Whispers had succeeded in this aim, proposing many novelties in a story that was the most beautiful ever seen up to that moment on Destiny 2. All this was accompanied by aevolution of the atmosphere which blended well with the contents, knowing how to give glimpses at all times that reflected the theme of deception.

This new chapter, on the other hand, fails to do so. First of all, the story is not captivating and lacks an opponent who knows how to capture the player’s attention. Although the Witness is something truly stupendous, not only graphically, but also structurally speaking, the true antagonist of this DLC, or the former emperor of the Cabal Claus, it turns out to be devoid of any nuance that can capture our attention.

This character and the story in general look made with great care, as if to give the player something just to say that Bungie did it. Everything turns into a static comparable only to an electrocardiogram of a person who has passed away.

Destiny 2 review: The Eclipse, a light that sinks

Setting as beautiful as it is out of place – Destiny 2 Review: The Eclipse

The story will take place on Neptune, more precisely in the city of Neomuna. Although it is not understood why the Guardians never knew of the existence of other life forms on this planet before, once the prologue mission is over, we will find ourselves in this immense metropolis that seems to come straight out of Cyberpunk 2077.

In fact, we will find ourselves wandering here and there, jumping from the roofs of the neon skyscrapers that characterize Neomuna and exploring a highly futuristic place. A setting that makes you slightly turn up your nose, especially considering the theme of Light and Darkness of the saga that it should lead to an increasingly bleak setting. Here we will get acquainted with two Cloudbreaker: Nimbus and Rohan. However these will be the only forms of life present in the city.

So here it is the biggest nonsense of this expansion. We will find ourselves in a new and highly technological city of which we knew nothing before and, although there is a double invasion in progress by Cabal (the Phantom Legion to be more precise) and Vex, the only ones who defend it are the two Cloudsolders mentioned before . We will therefore go for a walk through a ghost metropolisnot understanding how such a thing is possible since the invasion had started shortly before our arrival.

We wouldn’t mind see some NPC fight against the invaders, at least until we arrive on the battlefield. Scenically speaking, this would surely have been an idea that would have given a more “alive” Neomuna instead of theimmense desert battlefield made of Cabal and Vex.

Destiny 2 review: The Eclipse, a light that sinks

From new powers come great workouts – Destiny 2 Review: The Eclipse

Neomuna, however, is not the only novelty introduced with this expansion. Right from the start here we will find ourselves using a new subclass, the darkweb. As the name suggests, these new techniques and skills, they exploit what is a power deriving from the shadow. However, at least initially this usage will be highly limited.

To better understand how it works and to let us take full advantage of it, the developers have seen fit to create a real training course what else seems to be an immense tutorial with a duration equal to that of the campaign. We will therefore embark on this journey that will lead us to face wave after wave of enemies only to figure out how to make the most of your new powers found on Neptune.

By making a comparison, we will therefore end up with a take on the role of Rocky Balboa in Rocky 2 as he prepares for his match against Apollo Creed, with Osiris yelling at us for encouragement like master Michael “Mickey” Goldmill does at his wrestler. The only difference is that in this case, the training practically lasts more than half the campaign and will test our patience, especially if played alone.

“Infinite Workout” aside, this new power is really fun to use. We will be able to cling to some particular holds thanks to the grappling hook to move faster and reach otherwise inaccessible areas. Through the latter we will then be able to launch ourselves headlong into battle. Killing enemies with this power generates spheres of power that can destroy Vex shield systems, cause massive damage, and free us from Cabal systems that limit our powers.

Of the very useful powersbut which also result fun to use and which vary the gameplay significantly, leading us to a more physical approach. This could cause some problems, at least initially, for those players who are used to medium-long distance fights, although after many hours of training this resolves itself automatically.

Destiny 2 review: The Eclipse, a light that sinks

It could have been done better

We are reaching the end of this review regarding Destiny 2: The Eclipse and the time has come to sum up a bit. The novelties of this expansion are not many and the fact that it is no longer the final chapter of a narrative arc may have influenced this. Stylistically speaking Neomuna is apleasant setting that could appeal to the many lovers of the cyberpunk genre. However a deserted city is not exactly the best to see.

The story also leaves something to be desired. making our adventure look like a huge tutorial which leads us to approach Telascura. This power gives that touch of sparkle that was missing in this expansion and probably is the only positive notegiven the absence of a counterpart to us who really manages to make us feel that desire to get to the end of the adventure just for the sake of facing it.

The Witness, in fact, although stylistically perfect, is only a “secondary character” at least for this DLC. Claus turns out to be shallow, as if it was placed there by accident to tell us “here is your villain to face”. In short, we would have expected much more care from Bungieespecially given the excellent results achieved with the previous chapter.

For this review regarding the DLC The Eclipse of Destiny 2 is now all. We remind you that the expansion is available for €49.99 for PC and consoleswhile the version with the Annual Pass costs €99.99, two prices in our opinion slightly too high for the proposed contents. To purchase this DLC at a slight discount, we recommend that you take a look at the Kinguin pages. In order not to miss future reviews and news regarding the gaming universe, continue to follow!

Points against

  • …although it is uninhabited
  • History
  • Completely flat antagonist