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Digimon Survive: Best Answers to Get Dokugumon

Let’s find out together, in this short guide, what are the best answers to give in the Free Battle of Digimon Survive to get Dokugumon: our collection of Digimon expands

Released on a surprisingly low note, Digimon Survive is the new iteration of the Pokémon “rival” franchise that recently arrived on PS4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch. developed by Hyde and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. Born from the mix between a Visual Novel and a turn-based strategic JRPG, whose combat system takes place on a virtual grid on which our favorite creatures move, strong with accessories and enhancements of various kinds, the title was originally shown in 2018 , only to be postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. We are currently working to bring you, as soon as possible, a review that best encapsulates our views on Digimon Survive. In the meantime, we would like to introduce you to the game with some guides created step by step, with the hope of being able to bring you closer to a title that, while currently based on the first ten hours of play, it really seems to deserve a lot of love.

Good ol’ RNG

In a guide created a few days ago, which you can find at this link, we have already explained how to get Gazimon, the first Digimon in this chapter to have a capture percentage other than 100%. In fact, immediately after the end of the tutorial, things get very complicated and making sure that the colorful creatures become our allies will no longer be so simple. In fact, we will have to undertake a negotiation (in a very similar way to what happens in Shin Megami Tensei and in Person), respond appropriately to some questions posed by the opposing Digimon, following an undefined criterion of affinity to their character. It will not be easy to understand which is the most appropriate answer to give, and that is why we come into play! Let’s find out how to get Dokugumon in Digimon Survive!

A giant spider ?! | Digimon Survive: Best Answers to Get Dokugumon

Dokugumon is a Digimon Defense type and Champion level which, as in the case of Fangmon, we will have to defeat by plot before we can attempt to capture it. Great on defense, the creature comes with the active special ability “Poison Breath”, which has a low chance of applying Poison, and the passive skill “Resistance to Poison”, which reduces the chance of taking Poison.

Digimon Survive: Best Answers to Get Dokugumon

Questions and Answers | Digimon Survive: Best Answers to Get Dokugumon

Below you will find the best answers to the various interactions that Dokugumon will propose to you if and when you decide to try to make him your friend:

  • (The monster’s stomach is gurgling).
  • (The monster looks confused by the sight of a human).
  • (The monster looks away, as if bored).
  • Human… don’t like it!
  • (The monster squirms).
  • I … eat you … understand?
  • (The monster has assumed an attacking pose!)

Digimon Survive: Best Answers to Get Dokugumon

Good fun!

And these were the best answers for getting Dokugumon in Digimon Survive. Let us know how many attempts it took you to have him in your ranks below in the comments, we will continue to keep you updated with all the news, guides and reviews on videogame and tech! And if you are interested in game keys at affordable prices, we recommend that you take a look at the InstantGaming catalog!