Anche Dubai investe nell'AI: annunciato un piano annuale thumbnail

Dubai also invests in AI: annual plan announced

What will be the future of cities? A question that fascinates science fiction writers, politicians and investors alike. At the moment, none of us can know. But in the vision of the city of Dubaiit seems that theartificial intelligence will play a leading role. So much so that the city announced a annual plan to “accelerate the adoption of AI”. But will artificial intelligence really be able to transform the city of the United Arab Emirates into the metropolis of the future? Or does the investment, at least for now, have more of an economic value than a pioneering one?

Dubai focuses on artificial intelligence, but will it really be the city of the future?

The Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoumprince of the emir of Dubai, launched the Dubai Universal Blueprint for Artificial Intelligence. According to the United Arab Emirates newspaper HiDubai Focus, this is an ambitious plan that aims to exploit the potential of artificial intelligence to improve the “quality of life of citizens”. But it also wants to testify to the city's role as a center of technological innovationsomething the Sheikh of Dubai has been investing heavily in in recent years.

Events such as Gitex Global (in which we at also participated in the past) demonstrate how the emirate wants to attract innovative startups and projects with a high technological coefficient. But Dubai's digital transformation journey began as early as 1999, culminating in Dubai Digital Strategy. Now, the launch of the Dubai Universal Blueprint for Artificial Intelligence makes it clear that the city is investing with particular interest in AI. Indeed, he not only invests: he has a plan to manage investments.

Focus on AI, between government bodies and incubators

Dubai city aerial viewDubai city aerial view

At the moment, the emirate's strategic plan does not talk about services or technologies in particular. Rather, he wants to baste an infrastructure capable of welcoming innovation and make the most of it. In the future, the city aims to develop agile action plans to take advantage of what AI will perhaps generate.

The plan includes the appointment of Chief AI Officer in government agencies, a figure that for the moment we have seen mainly in private technology companies. Furthermore, the document announces the launch of AI and Web3 incubators, to welcome the best startups and invest in their ideas. And we also talk about the definition of priorities indata center land assignment.

Furthermore, there are various initiatives that are not directly economic, but cultural. For example, the introduction of a Artificial intelligence week in schools.

One city, one hub

The objectives, however, remain rather vague. Official Emirati documents speak of “radical transformation” and “contribute to human well-being”. They even go so far as to say that “Dubai aims to become the happiest society in the world using the capabilities” of artificial intelligence. A utopian goal to say the least. In short: at the moment there are no precise ideas on how AI will transform the city.

Artificial intelligence Dubai, annual plan investmentArtificial intelligence Dubai, annual plan investment

Rather, the annual plan testifies to Dubai's interest in becoming a “global hub for the digital economy”. The initiative will serve to achieve the objectives of Agenda D33, which seeks to generate an annual contribution of AED 100 billion (approximately 25 billion euros) in digital transformation projects. Something that, according to Dubai, has brought a 50% increase in economic productivity to the city.

Dubai ranks first globally for foreign direct investment in artificial intelligence and seventh worldwide for preparation for the application of artificial intelligence. This plan aims to consolidate the position. Which greatly increases the possibility that, in the near future, there will be successful digital products and services coming out of the Emirate. And perhaps this is where Dubai's interest in AI arises.

In other words, we don't know yet whether and how AI will transform the cities of the future. But we know that Dubai is investing heavily in artificial intelligence, because it has a increasingly important economic value. It remains to be assessed whether this will bring innovations for the city, and what type of innovations the future holds for us.

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Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.