Ecobonus 2024, oggi ripartono gli incentivi. Ecco come richiederli thumbnail

Ecobonus 2024, the incentives start again today. Here’s how to request them

Along the lines of previous years, the ecobonus is also back for 2024, which can be requested from today, Tuesday 23 January.

More precisely, these are incentives in favor of the purchase of non-polluting vehicles of category M1 (cars), L1e – L7e (motorcycles and mopeds) and N1 and N2 (commercial vehicles).

The 2024 ecobonus

The 2024 ecobonus, as we can read on the website created by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, is “a concrete response for more sustainable mobility. Just as the National Integrated Energy Plan (PNIEC) indicates and as the 2030 Agenda asks.”

The contribution is recognized as the lower price charged by the dealer on the invoice at the time of purchase. Management is entrusted to Invitaliathe National Agency for Investment Attraction and Business Development.

car bonus

I recipient

Recipients of the Ecobonus 2024 are natural or legal persons who intend to purchase non-polluting vehicles of the categories we have reported.

To obtain incentives after scrapping, the car must have been owned for at least 12 months, and have an emission class lower than Euro 5. New vehicles must remain in the owner’s name for at least 12 months (which rises to 24 for car sharing).

You need to contact a dealer, who will book the discount starting from 10am on Tuesday 23 January.

The circular of 28 December 2023, with operational information, specifies that “contribution reservations, for purchases made from 1 January 2024 until 31 December 2024, may be entered into the IT platform, specifically updated by the manager, starting from the date of opening of the platform”. There are 270 days, unless available resources run out.

The funds

For the 2024 Ecobonus, they have been allocated 205 million euros for the purchase of brand new M1 category vehicles approved in a class not lower than Euro 6, with emissions in the 0-20 g/Km CO2 range and a list price equal to or less than 35,000 euros excluding VAT.

Furthermore, 245 million euros for the purchase of brand new M1 category vehicles approved in a class not lower than Euro 6, with emissions in the 21-60 g/Km CO2 range and a list price equal to or less than 45,000 euros excluding VAT.

120 million euros for the purchase of brand new M1 category vehicles approved in a class not lower than Euro 6, with emissions in the 61-135 g/Km CO2 range and a list price equal to or less than 35,000 euros excluding VAT.

50 million euros they then go to electric and non-electric motorcycles and mopeds, in categories from L1e to L7e. AND further 20 to brand new commercial vehicles of category N1 and N2 powered exclusively by electricity.

5% of the sums allocated for M1 electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles are reserved for purchases by legal entities for car sharing or rental activities.

Ecobonus 2024: incentives

For cars with 0-20 g/km CO2 emissions, the incentive is 3,000 euros without scrapping and 5,000 euros with scrapping.

The contribution drops to 2,000 euros (4,000 with scrapping) for vehicles with emissions of 21-60 g/km of CO2. And it reaches 2,000 with scrapping for cars with emissions of 61-135 g/km of CO2.

For electric or non-electric mopeds and motorcycles of Euro Class no lower than 5, the incentive is 40% of the expense, within the limit of 2,500 euros for non-electric ones. The limit rises to 4,000 for electric models in the event of scrapping, or to 3,000 without scrapping (but in this case up to 30% of the expense).

Finally, for new, electrically powered N1 and N2 commercial vehicles, the 2024 Ecobonus will have a value between 4,000 euros and 14,000 euros.

A new 2024 Ecobonus is coming soon

The scheme of the current Ecobonus 2024 follows that of 2023.

Ma a Prime Ministerial Decree is expected in February which should unlock a new Ecobonusfor which incentives of up to 13,750 euros are provided for those who scrap a Euro 0/Euro 2 car in favor of the purchase of an electric car.

The greatest benefits will be reserved for natural persons with an ISEE not exceeding 30,000 euros.

To materialize the new incentive plan, as can be read in the press release published on the website of the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy on January 2nd, a meeting has been set for next February 1st.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.