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Elden Ring: Miyazaki apologizes to fans who find it too difficult

Elden Ring has now been out for almost a week and players are in the midst of exploring the new fantasy world created by the joint efforts of Hidetaka Miyazaki e George R.R. Martin: Miyazaki himself recently gave an interview, in which he entered into the merits of the difficulty of Elden Ring, apologizing to those who find it excessively high, but also explaining that it is the stylistic figure of FromSoftware.

Elden Ring: Miyazaki apologizes for the difficulty but nothing will change

Despite the steep difficulty curve theme that has always characterized the games FromSoftwarethere are many who have been taken aback by the repeated deaths to which Elden Ring puts us in front of us. Miyazaki apologized to the fans who felt frustrated by the game, but also explaining that the level of challenge is an essential part of FromSoftware’s soul.

Specifically, the designer said he wanted to convey to the player the sense of satisfaction that is obtained once a very difficult challenge has been overcome, something possible only with game balance calibrated upwards, as you have surely already guessed. A firm position, on which we can only agree, given that much of the charm of FromSoftware games derives from the type of difficulty they put in place.

A difficulty that in most cases is not free as many might think, but designed to reward players who know how to learn from their mistakes by putting to good use when learned in hours and hours of gameplay. The strength of the various Dark Souls and Elden Ring, on the other hand, is just that: that of providing the player with a few clear rules to follow in order to be successful in the game, a formula capable of causing serious addiction to some types of players.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.