Elon Musk e Twitter: cronistoria di un social nel caos thumbnail

Elon Musk front page tweets about Fauci, LGBTQ+ and more

Elon Musk still on the front page for tweets about Fauci, LGBTQ+ and the former Twitter security chief thumbnail

One way or another, Elon Musk always manages to be talked about. In the last few hours, in fact, the tweets of the number one of Tesla, Space X and Twitter have risen to prominence. This is at the center of the controversy some tweets in which Elon Musk “make fun” about LGBTQ+ community and Anthony Fauci, the infectious disease expert and adviser to US President Biden on the pandemic. Also noteworthy is a direct attack on theTwitter’s former head of security, Yoel Roth, who left the company at odds with Musk himself.

More controversy over Elon Musk’s tweets

On the matter LGBTQ+ and Fauci, Musk has published some tweets, making fun of the use of pronouns (on the use of which, Musk has clarified his position in detail) and on the figure of Fauci (accused by Musk himself of having lied to the American Congress).

Then there is the Yoel Roth question, at the center of the Twitter Files series, commissioned by Musk himself, which recounts the suspension of Donald Trump’s account accusing Roth himself of having handled the situation in a “questionable” way. Musk has published an excerpt from the Roth’s doctoral thesis in which he explains his position in favor of lowering the minimum age for signing up for adult internet services like Grindr.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.