Sicurezza mobile aziendale: i must per il 2022 thumbnail

Enterprise mobile security: the must-haves for 2022

Smart working is allowing the world to extend the boundaries of offices and to reconcile work with private life, but it is also exposing us to the risk of cyber attacks. To enhance corporate mobile security, large companies must take adequate measures to avoid violations and financial or reputational damage. In fact, we must not forget that the data protection and privacy regulations are clear and strict: since May 2018, 800 fines have been imposed for violating the GDPR; in the third quarter of 2021, the total of these sanctions touched the exorbitant quota of 1 billion euros. The infamous hacking entity Darkside also reported that it obtained more than $ 90 million in ransom payments in 2021 alone.

Therefore, measures are urgently needed in the field of corporate mobile security. In this regard, the advice of Andrej SonkinGM ed Enterprise Business di HMD Global.

Corporate mobile security: HMD Global recommendations

Corporate mobile security

It is essential to educate employees on security best practices, training them in the actions necessary to detect and prevent phishing and ransomware attacks. 95% of successful cyberattacks are due to human error, so it is very important to fill the lack of knowledge. The more each employee is informed, the better prepared the company will be.

They are always used in the workplace, both for production needs and for personal use. To prevent risk and abuse, Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solutions can be helpful. Each company has its own needs, so the EMM solution should support all available policies, in order to satisfy the entire fleet of Android devices.

When a hazard is detected, the goal should always be to fix the problem as quickly as possible. For this reason, companies are increasingly selecting smartphones that come with monthly security updates. These devices can handle even the latest threats and ensure durability and longevity, with positive consequences on costs as well. The cybersecurity strategy must therefore take these elements into account, in order to face a hybrid and constantly evolving working world in the best possible way.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.