Facebook celebra i 10 anni di Messenger con tante novità thumbnail

Facebook celebrates 10 years of Messenger with many new features

They have passed ten years since the launch of Messenger e Facebook has decided to underline this anniversary with a series of really interesting news. Here comes the possibility to send money to friends (for the moment only in the US), new effects and “survey games”, as well as special animations to celebrate the anniversary.

Facebook Messenger: all the news for 10 years

The first novelty of those launched on the messaging platform concerns the Poll Games, polls that also become games. They are used to entertain and joke friends using the polling session not only to decide whether to eat pizza or sushi at the next dinner. In fact they can use the section “Most like to” to assign titles as in American schools: who is the one who always arrives an hour late, who organizes polls on Facebook to make fun of those who arrive late, etc.

An interesting feature but unfortunately relegated to the United States alone is the possibility of send money through Facebook Pay on Messenger. Very convenient for those who use Messenger for communications (perhaps to pay the bill of the pizzeria / sushi to which someone always arrives late).

Finally, new themes arrive, AR and Soundmoji effects for the birthday, just on the occasion of that of Messenger. “To add to the festive mood, try our new Birthday chat and our“ Messeger is 10! ”Sticker pack. Fill the sky with purple and blue balloons with our 360 degree Birthday Balloon background and blow out the candles with our AR effect. You can also send a catchy Soundmoji birthday song and use a Message Effect to add a burst of confetti or a gift bow to your celebratory message ”.

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Also, Messenger will have the new feature World Effect that associates words with emojis, making it easier for you to choose how to color your conversations. This feature is coming soon.

Finally, Facebook adds the “Share contact “. This makes it as easy to share a friend’s profile as sharing a photo or post. You can discover all these news at this address.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.