Su Telegram continuano a dilagare i Green Pass falsi a pagamento thumbnail

Fake paid Green Passes continue to spread on Telegram

Check Point Software Technologies found a 25% increase in the sale of Green Pass falsi, very popular on Telegram. This is obviously an illegal practice, often useless and dangerous as you give your personal data to malicious people who can use them to blackmail people.

Beyond 2500 groups on Telegram promote the sale of fake certificates for the Green Pass. The measures taken by the government to contain the Covid emergency have unfortunately pushed some people to adopt these methods. The prices for the certificates, which were very high in recent weeks, have dropped to 100 euros.

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The black market for fake Green Passes on Telegram

The following Telegram channels receive is monstrous: some boast even more 450mila follower. Fake certificates are also sold through darknet sites, but since Telegram is much more accessible most of the transaction is done through the messaging app.

Payments take place in multiple ways: from cryptovalute (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Monero) a PayPal, passing through Amazon, Steam and Ebay vouchers. Once paid, of course, trying to get your money back is impossible.

Check Point Software Technologies has been monitoring the situation ever since March this year, when these illicit trafficking began to take hold on the net. People not willing to get vaccinated would do well to change their minds, rather than putting their money and data in the hands of criminals.

The words of Oded Vanunu

Oded Vanunu, Head of Products Vulnerabilities Research of Check Point Software Technologies, said:

“We have been studying the darknet and Telegram and coronavirus-related services throughout the year. Right now, fake vaccination certificates are available for purchase in almost any country. Telegram is less technical to use than the darknet and can reach a huge amount of people very quickly. We believe that this growth is also fueled by the rapid spread of the Delta variant ”.


Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.