Fastweb lancia FASTHealth, nuova frontiera della telemedicina thumbnail

Fastweb launches FASTHealth, the new frontier of telemedicine

Fastwebin collaboration with SaluberMDlancia FASTHealtha service of telemedicine which allows residential customers to take advantage of digital services for prevention, diagnosis and treatment. All in one app, simple and secure.

Fastweb launches FASTHealth, telemedicine in a single app

A service that connects you remotely with gods general practitioners. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also book television visits with specialist doctors who can prescribe pharmacological therapies or diagnostic insights. Also, you can take advantage of the service to get discounts up to 50% in affiliated health facilities.

From rehabilitation to cardiology, from pediatrics to nutrition. But also innovative services such as the one for digital detoxification. A complete series of services especially for those who needs medical support at home. But also for those who travel a lot, have young children or fragile people at home.

general practitioners

Technology can help by limiting travel and reducing the time spent on these visits. Also, in FASTHealth you will have a digitized personal medical record, which allows the specialist who visits you to know your medical history. All in safety and protecting privacy.

Mark Pennarola, Head of Marketing at Fastweb, explains: “FASTHealth offers a concrete response to the needs of patients and their families and allows for a reduction in diagnosis and intervention times thanks to the use of simple and personalized digital solutions, taking advantage of our services at ultra-broadband at home and on the move. With FASTHealth we want to build a future in which the home can become the first place of
care and widespread and sustainable access to high-quality health services.”

SaluberMD provides over 600 qualified professionals with the Screen Side Manner method, which allows you to better manage the patient-doctor relationship even in remote visits. Guido Broggi CEO of SaluberMD Italia, he explains. “Activating a collaboration with Fastweb is a source of pride for us. Our mission is not only to implement medical services remotely through specialist televisits, but the very culture of telemedicine in Italy, so that people can carry out visits from the comfort of home or wherever they are, reducing travel and any inconvenience”.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.