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Final Fantasy 14: surprisingly announced the arrival on the Xbox

A big surprise, the arrival of the historic title, Final Fantasy 14, on Xbox was officially announced: let’s find out all the details in this new news

The event took place a few hours ago Final Fantasy Fan Fest 2023 and surprisingly, Microsoft CEO Phil Spencer has officially announced that the fourteenth chapter on Xbox is finally reality and will have full support for 4K resolution. A statement that few expected, but which at the same time had been in the air for some time, especially after the latest leaks leaked on the web. An agreement that must be defined as historic and which definitively establishes the collaboration implemented by the Microsoft universe with Square Enix. The official release of Final Fantasy 14 on Xbox has not yet been defined, but will take place in first half of 2024 and more precisely during the primavera.

Final Fantasy 14 coming to Xbox: 4K resolution and more

After more than a year of requests from all fans from every corner of the globe, the arrival of Final Fantasy 14 on Xbox consoles is finally near and there are fewer and fewer months left to go. spring 2024, the period in which it will be officially launched. The title is expected on both next-gen consoles Xbox Series S and Series X while there is still no official announcement regarding the old-gen consoles and especially the One model. This is because, as CEO Phil Spencer himself has just announced, the goal of Microsoft e Square Enix is to offer fans a practically perfect game not only from the point of view of gameplaybut also of the graphics.

Final Fantasy 14 Xbox 4K resolution will only be available on Series X and promises to offer surprising details that will further enhance the gaming experience making it more fulfilling and immersive. Furthermore, the company Square Enix has confirmed the arrival of a beta version that will precede the official launch of the title and will allow a small number of fans to try the gaming experience in advance.

While waiting for further updates, we invite you to stay tuned to so as not to miss a single news from the gaming world of all platforms. Also, don’t forget to visit the official Kinguin page to buy your favorite games at discounted prices.

Stefania Romagnoli is a dedicated writer who delves into the world of video game news. With a profound passion for gaming, Stefania keeps readers informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends within the gaming industry.