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Flying Cars: From Science Fiction to Reality, Coming in 2025!

Flying cars will soon become a reality and will arrive in 2025. Tests are starting in America for an Alef vehicle/aircraft. Let’s find out all the details in this dedicated news

The American startup Alef has developed an innovative flying vehicle called Model A, which is currently available for pre-order. This vehicle will be the first all-electric flying car to be introduced to the market. Model A is designed for vertical take-off and can carry up to two people. It will be able to cover distances of over 300 kilometers by road and about 170 kilometers in the air. Alef expects to deliver the first ones flying cars by the end of 2025 and is accepting pre-orders on their site, with a deposit of 150 bucks or a priority deposit of 1500 dollars.

However, the final price of the Model A will be around $300,000. According to Alef, the Model A will be within the size of a regular car park and can easily be housed in a standard-sized garage. No precise indications have been provided on the maximum speed that the vehicle will be able to reach, but at the moment it has been certified as a “low speed vehicle” with a maximum speed of 40 km/h.

Flying Cars: From Science Fiction to Reality, Coming in 2025!

Flying cars: Alef puts 2025 in his sights!

Alef claims to have achieved an industry first, as the Model A looks very similar to a conventional car, can move like a normal car and can be parked like a normal car. Preliminary renders released by the company show a Model A prototype that looks like a futuristic car, with driver and passenger inside a spherical module. While moving, the entire vehicle will adapt to the situation, while the spherical module will remain fixed and rolls placed under the car will lift it upright. What seemed possible only in science fiction films is now a real reality. Flying cars, therefore, we can say with some officiality, will arrive in 2025 and we can’t wait!

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