Focus Home Interactive diventa Focus Entertainment thumbnail

Focus Home Interactive diventa Focus Entertainment

The game publisher like A Plague Tale e The Surge, Focus Home Interactive, changes its name becoming Focus Entertainment. The rebranding aims to demonstrate an interest in offering even more forms of entertainment. This objective is possible thanks to the recent acquisitions.

Focus Entertainment: new brand, new beginning

Focus Home Interactive is a name that fans of certain game series are familiar with. If you have felt the tension rising through the most haunted areas of A Plague Tale or if you have been carried away by the action of The Surge, you know who we are talking about. The publisher, however, today announced a want to change brands, to represent the expansion of the offer.


The acquisition of developers made it possible to “unite talents throughout the creative process, from development to commercialization”. And to reflect this change of status, showing a union of purpose, he decided on a new name. “The acquisition of studios like Deck13 Interactive, Streum On Studio and more recently, Dotemu and its label The Arcade Crew, demonstrates Focus’s desire to integrate talent and study with a single vision into a strong and ambitious Group. To promote creation, anticipate trends and create unique gameplay “.

The company therefore decided that “from now on, the Focus Entertainment brand covers all Focus activities. With the term ‘Entertainment’ representing the desire to diversify its games, products, services and other sources of revenue. “Entertainment” also emphasizes the ambition of offer players from all over the world a unique experience. Supported by editorial policies that stand out for innovative concepts, original gameplay and unique worlds that transcend the boundaries of video games ”.

A new future in front of the brand, which seems intent on producing other innovative games. Which we can’t wait to try. You can read the entire announcement at this address.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.