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Game Industry, in Italy is growing rapidly among young people: most of the workers are under 40

The game industry has recorded record data, and continues to grow peremptorily, as confirmed by the tricolor numbers among other things.

Today, at an economic level, the video game industry can be considered a real superpower. It is a market that definitively exploded during the 2020 lockdown, and which today is the protagonist of a billionaire turnover. This rule is also valid in Italy, where there is a rather rich and varied pool of users: an audience that does not include only the very young, but also workers under 40. It is therefore appropriate to investigate this issue further.

An overview of the video game industry in Italy

The game industry has recorded record data, and continues to grow peremptorily, as confirmed by the tricolor numbers among other things. In the Peninsula, the video game sector in fact produced a turnover of more than 2.2 billion euros in 2020, with an increase of 21% compared to the previous year. Furthermore, video games are appreciated for various reasons, not just playful. In fact, there are those who think that they are excellent tools for training, study and even scientific dissemination, and those who use them as tools to tackle some diseases.

Of course, the video game industry favors not only fans and the cashier of companies, but also the job market. In fact, it guarantees recruitment and employment positions in Italy, for thousands of professionals, in the most varied fields. Over 1,600 employees work in this sector, most of them under 40, divided into about 160 Italian companies. Furthermore, today videogames become a profession even for those who decide to enter the world of pro gaming. Between tournaments, prizes and millionaire sponsorships, you can make a fortune.

How to become a video game developer

Another particularly interesting profession is that of the video game developer, whose presence is absolutely essential to set the game industry machine in motion. To become a game developer you must first obtain a degree in computer science, although there are some people who have managed to be successful without having taken this step, therefore studying with DIY. Of course it is good to update your curriculum by modernizing it, and with the help of some online tools that offer CV templates to inspire you. However, the curriculum must have substance, which means attending various specialization courses and masters, based on the path you choose to follow (for example the development of video games through specific platforms).

It is also advisable to devise personal projects, so as to have a portfolio that can be presented to companies. In fact, without a portfolio it is very difficult to find a job opportunity, especially since we are talking about a sector where theory must always follow practice. Finally, it doesn’t hurt to have a good aesthetic sense and a good dose of creativity, because not everything passes through the codes.

Stefania Romagnoli is a dedicated writer who delves into the world of video game news. With a profound passion for gaming, Stefania keeps readers informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends within the gaming industry.