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Gdf intensifies checks on petrol prices: 2,424 checks in August reveal 1,439 violations

In August, especially during the mid-August period and the summer counter-exodus, the Guardia di Finanza intensified its controls.

Taking an in-depth look at consumer fuel prices it was discovered that a total of 2,424 checks and detecting irregularities in 659 cases. A number that suggests and suggests that this type of control could soon be implemented in an even more thorough manner.

Gdf intensifies checks on petrol prices: 2,424 checks in August reveal 1,439 violations

In August, 2,424 Audits Reveal Irregularities in 659 Distributors Throughout Italy

These checks were conducted on a total of 2,424 distributorsof which 171 were located on the highways e 2,253 on the remaining road network. The control actions by the Finance Guard have led to the dispute of 1,439 violationsof which 570 related to the lack of disclosure of fuel prices or the difference between the prices charged and those indicated.

Furthermore, they have been detected 869 violations for failure to comply with the communication obligations toObserve fuel pricesa body established in the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy.

In detail, the most common violation encountered by Finance Guard Of Lecce it was there failure to display prices or the discrepancy between the prices displayed and those actually chargedwith the involvement of about half of the 35 petrol stations controlled throughout the province of Lecce in August.

The note also reports that, as of 1st AugustThey were conducted 15 specific interventions at plants on the road network, finding irregularities in 9 almostwith consequent administrative sanctions which can reach up to a maximum of approx 50.000 euro for each case.

In total, they have been enforced administrative sanctions for a total amount of 50.000 euro. These targeted checks on fuel prices were carried out by Finance Guard in order to ensure the transparency and fairness towards consumers.

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