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Google and the developers find an agreement on the Play Store

Google and developers agree on Play Store thumbnail

In recent years, the collaboration between Google and developers has proved incredibly fruitful. Using the Play Store, the latter have earned over 120 billion dollars. Given its success, it has become imperative for the tech giant to keep the store secure, protect privacy and prevent fraud. Therefore, Google has put forward a proposed deal that will help ensure that both developers and consumers can continue to benefit from Google Play.

Play Store: Google and US developers sign an agreement

“As part of the deal, we are establishing a $ 90 million fund to support US developers who have earned $ 2 million or less in annual revenue through the Google Play Store during each year from 2016 to 2021.” So we read in the official blog of the technological giant. Therefore, all developers who have made gains from the store will be able to apply for a portion of the fund. Provided the Court approves the agreement. Beyond the fund, this proposes to “maintain a set of existing practices and implement new benefits that help developers innovate and communicate with their users“.

As the blog reads: “We will maintain Google’s 15% commission rate for the first $ 1 million in annual revenue earned by the Google Play Store for US developers, which we rolled out in 2021”. And then again: “in the new versions of Android, Google will keep some changes implemented in Android 12 that make it even easier for people to use other app stores on their devices, taking care not to compromise the security measures adopted by Android “. In addition, a sort of “corner of independent apps“.

Finally, considering that developers are looking for clear information, Google has “decided to publish annual transparency reports”. “The reports will share information about the Google Play Store, including statistics such as apps removed from Google Play, account closures and other data related to how users interact with Google Play.” In short, a rather noteworthy agreement for developers and Google.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.