Page Experience Update di Google, quali sono gli effetti nelle ricerche thumbnail

Google Page Experience Update, what are the effects in searches

Google Page Experience Update, what are the effects in thumbnail searches

The Page Experience Update di Google is the tool to evaluate the positioning SEO of a site and Sistrix analyzed the impact of the change. After the experimentation last summer, how are the results on the search pages changing?

Google Page Experience Update, Sistrix analysis

Google’s rating on how to rank pages and sites on search results pages is critical for many businesses. For this reason, the Mountain View engineers take their time to evaluate the effects of the new rankings, making sure that they respect the ultimate interest of users: find what they are looking for.

The Page Experience Update wants to evaluate the ease of use of a site and each of its pages. By evaluating several characteristics. Among these are the Core Web Vitals to measure site performance, optimization for devices mobile (increasingly fundamental) and the Safe Browsing, to make sure you don’t direct users to dangerous domains. In the same line the request that sites be encrypted with l’HTTPS. Finally, the presence of Interstitials which interrupts the viewing of the contents.

Only the Core Web Vitals are actually new. And Google has clearly established what CWV values ​​it considers positive, mediocre or negative. Having therefore fewer variables to keep an eye on, Sistrix analyzed the impact on ranking last summer, evaluating the visibility before and after the introduction of the criteria.

They then evaluated 46,042 owners verifying that the changes in visibility, at least for the moment, have been minimum. You can analyze the results of the study on the Sistrix blog. Instead on this page you can use the company’s tools to evaluate your SEO. A process that can only become effective thanks to the continuous research of Sistrix experts.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.