Google pronta a tagliare il tracciamento delle app su Android thumbnail

Google ready to cut app tracking on Android

Also Google aims to modify the data tracking among the apps on smartphone Android, following what Apple has done for iPhones. The new privacy restrictions may limit the amount of data available for personalized advertising. A hard blow to Meta’s business.

Google ready to block app tracking on Android

Apple has allowed its users to decide whether to allow data tracking between applications on iPhones. Many users have joined, leading to a sea change in the world of personalized smartphone advertising. According to estimates by the Wall Street Journal, this decision would have cost a lot $ 300 billion of market value for Meta.

Google announced today (Wednesday, February 16) that it is developing a development of substitutes for cookies for tracking. The alphanumeric identifiers will still be supported for i next two yearsi, and promises to give well in advance before the introduction of the new mechanisms. It also invites all industry to work together on this project.

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The company has already said that it will remove the cookies collected by the Chrome browser with what it defines “Sandbox project“, Also in this case collaborating with public and private entities to ensure that there are no market problems.

Google’s VP for security and privacy explains that “We don’t think there should be a forced choice between privacy and the ability for companies to develop your own businesss “. But these changes will in any case be under the magnifying glass of regulators around the world. Both those antitrust, to prevent Google from preventing others from tracking but continuing to collect data to sell more accurate advertising. Both those for the privacyto protect user data.

The applications on the smartphone collect information on many parameters, from the food you order to the ovulation dates of the menstrual cycle: they are sensitive data for users and of great value for marketing. It remains to be seen whether the solution that Google has in mind can protect both.


The Wall Street Journal

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.