Google aggiorna l'icona di Google Task thumbnail

Google updates the Google Tasks icon

Google updates the Google Task thumbnail icon

Among the novelties of the app update of Google Workspace, the Mountain View office suite, comes a graphic novelty that may seem trivial. But that’s extremely useful: it changes the Google Task icon. And now you finally understand what the app does with a single glance.

Google updates the Google Tasks icon

The old Google Tasks logo had something abstract about it. It represented a pen going to cross a point from a list. Or at least we believe. Now instead rshows an English “tick” on the sheet, a now international symbol to say that something has been done.

google task icon change-min

The image it does not have the multicolored palette of the other Workspace applications, of which Google has recently remodeled the icons, going from those you see on the cover to more uniform logos. But at least you understand what it stands for. Google can cross out “let people understand what the Task icon represents” from its list.

The change of the icon (which you can read in detail on the Google blog), however, will not be operational immediately. In fact we will have to wait for 23 September to find it on our smartphones (or in the Play Store if we haven’t downloaded it yet). In addition to changing the logo, Google Tasks recently updated their offering. A tabbed system came in last month to better categorize lists.

This update does not revolutionize Google’s productivity offering. But it shows that the company is paying attention to its software, which can be useful. Especially for those who have resumed work in hybrid mode and can no longer rely only on postit attached under the PC screen in the office.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.